DMVR PC without VR Tutorial

Deck Manager VR
6 min readMar 8, 2020


You can duel in DMVR on the PC without VR.

Log into DMVR like normal after registering on

Lobby Controls

WASD to move around. Move your Mouse to look around.

WASD and Move Mouse to Look Around

Use the MIDDLE CLICK to open up the DMVR menu.


Press TAB to enable your mouse and lock the screen in-place. You can Toggle TAB to unlock your screen.


Press LEFT ALT to toggle your mouse visiblity on and off.

LEFT ALT Toggle Mouse Visibility On
LEFT ALT Toggle Mouse Visibility Off

LEFT CLICK to click on buttons.

Left Click to select a deck

LEFT CLICK on Avatar Buttons to change your avatar’s appearance.

RIGHT CLICK to talk to NPCs like Grandpa Muto.

Right Click to talk to NPCs

Go in front of Kaiba Corp to create or join games with LEFT CLICK.

Left Click on the Buttons to Create or Find a Game

LEFT CLICK the button above players to Mute, Unmute, and Trade with them.

Dueling on PC

When you enter the Dueling Room, you will have a GUI on top of your screen.

You can look at your right to see additional buttons.

You can use TAB to enable your mouse and be able to click on buttons. Let’s click on the Let’s Duel Button.

If you don’t see your mouse you press LEFT-ALT to toggle your mouse visibility on and off.

TAB Button to Enable Your Mouse. LEFT-ALT to toggle Mouse Visibility

After hitting, Let’s Duel, you can see your first 5 cards.

You can DRAW cards by pressing MIDDLE CLICK.


You can use your LEFT CLICK button on a card to grab and select it.

Left Click brings a card into focus and grabs it with you.

After grabbing a card, Y, U, I, O, P can be pressed to Normal/Special Summon the monster.

Y, U, I, O, P can be pressed after grabbing a card to summon the monster.

To grab it back and remove it from the field, you can LEFT CLICK on the card on your GUI.

Bring your mouse onto the card and Left Click on it to remove it from the field.
You can also just press the key the card was on to remove it from the field. I can press I to remove Dark Magician because Dark Magician was in the I position.

Use RIGHT CLICK to drop and let go of a card from focus.

Use Right Click to drop the card from focus.

Let’s use a Trap Card.

Grab a Trap Card.

Use the R KEY to rotate the card in the Four Positions: Face Down, Face Down Sideways, Face Up Sideways, and Face Up.

Press the R key to rotate: Face Down
Press the R key to rotate: Face Down Sideways
Press the R key to rotate: Face Up Sideways

You can use H, J, K, L, or ; to use the Spell/Trap zones. G is for Field Card.

After putting Magic Cylinder Face Down with the R key, use H, J, K, L, or ; to put it in the Spell/Trap zones.
Since I pressed K, Magic Cylinder Face Down went to that position.

If you LEFT CLICK a card on the field, you can open up a menu for that card.

Spell/Trap Card Window

You can bring up the Close Up Preview of a card by RIGHT CLICKING any card on the field.

Right Click the card on the field to preview the card with a closeup.

You can also use LEFT CLICK on the Monster Card on the Field to be able to use the Window to Attack.

Monster Card Window

LEFT CLICK the Attack button to initiate an attack.

Left click the Attack Button to initiate an Attack.

When you grab a card, you can also Send It to the Graveyard, Banish It, or Put It to the Top of Your Deck by clicking the buttons to your right.

Send Dark Magician to the Graveyard, Banished Zone, or Top of your Deck

You can subtract your life points by clicking on the Life Points button.

Click on the Life Points Button to add or subtract life points. A calculator will pop up.

Using the Calculator, we type 1000 and hit the Subtract button.

Subtracted 1000 Life Points.

You can press the SHIFT Button to turn off the GUI, so that you can see your monsters in full view and enjoy the 3D Models.

Press the SHIFT button to turn off the GUI

You can check your deck, extra deck, or banished zone with the Window on your Right.

You can also use voice commands.

You can grab cards from your deck if you need them with LEFT CLICK.

You may notice that your GUI on your right toggles off. Use LEFT CTRL to toggle your right GUI buttons on and off.

LEFT CTRL to toggle your GUI on your right on and off.

Monsters will play different animations depending on position.

Defense Position

Once you win or lose a duel, you will gain cards.

You can select a new deck, leave game, or request a rematch.

You can also Leave the Game with the button on the right side of your GUI.

Leave Game

You can also change the map to some presets on the right at the top.

Change Map

Video Tutorial

We hope that you enjoy dueling as a PC Player without VR!

