Hermest Hair Transplant Clinic and My Reviews

Declan Parsons
6 min readAug 14, 2020


I Had Hair Transplant in Hermest Hair Transplant Clinic and I Am Talking About My Reviews

I am not going to give detailed information about Hermest Hair Transplant Clinic as many people have praised the success of the clinic.

before hair transplant

Generally, I will talk about pre-op and post-op processes. First, I would like to say this and recommend everyone. Before purchasing a service, I consider the following 3 points in all my online research:

1. Good reviews: This positive comment part is dubious because there are fake comments.

2. Bad reviews: The most sincere comments are negative comments. You can’t find fake comments about unsatisfied hair transplant patients.

3. Results: The result of the work is a reference and shows the quality.

Based on my research on forums and other media, I created a list by eliminating hair transplant centres. At the end of long online research, Instagram page views and WhatsApp communication in the last September, I decided to have my hair transplant operation in Hermest Hair Transplant Clinic.

I have contacted numerous Turkish hair transplant clinics. Moreover, hair transplant clinics which I have to send my photos via WhatsApp said my donor region looked very well and they could transplant 5000 grafts. But when I asked this question to Hermest Hair Transplant Clinic with my photos, they said my donor region looked very well but the natural and thick look is more important than the number of grafts in hair transplant. They said they can say the exact number of grafts on the hair transplant day and they could only give an approximate number for now. I thought other hair transplant clinics tried to trick me and Hermest Hair Transplant Clinic showed a more professional approach.

When I searched online, I learned that Hermest Hair Transplant Clinic had almost 99% permanency rate with almost zero percent hair loss. No hair loss in the transplanted hair was important for me a few remaining hairs. Because in the forums, I saw that people mostly complained about hair loss in the transplant region 1 year after the operation. Therefore, permanent hair was more important for me than the high number of grafts.

I want to share my process to help people who think of having a hair transplant. First, my head had a large bald area. This is why I needed the high number of grafts. I told these details constantly before the operation. Since my donor area was good, they said they can work with a high number of grafts.

1. Month after my Hair Transplant

My First Day of Hair Transplant

08:00 AM

I was at the hospital at around 08:00 in the morning. When I entered to the hair transplant clinic, their interest was at the top level. I can easily say that you really feel like home. I completed some documents and after my blood test and shaving my head, the doctor planned my hair and determined the hairline around 09:00.

09:00 AM

The doctor sincerely and honestly told me that I had a large bald area and depending on the donor region, it is possible to completely close it in one session or I might need a second session. I started the process by knowing that. Actually, I was positive about this meeting so that I won’t end up with a surprise at the end of the process.

Let’s talk about what happened in the operation. The natural results were important for me for the hairline. I especially told them what I wanted and they planned accordingly. First, they planned and mark some lines before shaving my head. Then, they shaved my head and planned on these areas and they used a tool like a red laser. A different plan and marking were made for the back of the head to collect hair. I think this is necessary to use the back of the head effectively.

09:15 AM

After planning and marking, they started collecting grafts. At around 9.15, I was in and they gave me local anaesthesia. I want to share this information here. Hermest Hair Transplant Clinic has needleless anaesthesia. Normally, my pain threshold is not that high and needleless anaesthesia was an amazing experience. I can say the operation started comfortably without any pain.

After the local anaesthesia, they started to collect. Our previous planning was to collect 5500 grafts but during the collection, the doctor said the roots are really well and there are multiple small roots and the doctor spread the collection to a wider area. They told me that the donor might be tired during the operation because they would be able to get more grafts.

10:30 AM

Doctor Sevim started to open the roots from the back of the head. This started at around 10.30 and completed at 14.00 with root collection. They told me they have collected approximately 6200 grafts and the bald area can be closed in one session. It makes me so happy I cant explain my feeling in this moment.

2:00 PM

They gave a lunch break and I ate in 20–25 minutes. They offered me the daily hospital lunch or kebab option. Since I didn’t want to eat me, I ate the daily hospital lunch. The food was delicious as well. After all that, they started to make preparations to open canals.

4:50 PM

The doctor did the canal opening and if I am not wrong, the process ended around 16.50. I can’t remember the exact time because it has been a long time. We gave a short break after opening the canals and at the end of the brake, hair transplant started. At the end of the transplant, my blood sugar level was low because I was hungry and because of the operation. I ate a piece of chocolate to feel better.

Generally, I had a very comfortable operation. Although the operation lasted a total of 9 hours, I was not bored as the team was warm and friendly. I was really afraid before the operation but there is nothing to be afraid of. This was an easy and comfortable operation.

5. Month after my Hair Transplant

After Hair Transplant

After my operation, I slept irritably because the hair was transplanted from the top of my head to the back of my head but I did not have any pain. Here I want to give important information. You need to discard the liquid injected before the hair transplant operation. So, oedema will slowly go down after hair transplant. You must not bend your head forward so that oedema will not settle on your face. In this case, your face looks swollen as the oedema is on your face. After comfortable 2 weeks, I can say I didn’t have any problems other than sleeping.

My Hermest Hair Transplant Reviews

Final result after my hair transplant in Hermest Clinic

Hermest Hair Transplant Positive Reviews

+ My hair transplant was super! The main process was starting now because although the operation is completed in one day, you need 1 year for the results as everyone knows. Now, it has been exactly 7 months after my hair transplant and I still have 5 months. I am sure my perfect result now will be legendary after 1 year.

+ After the hair transplant, they have answered all my questions in a positive and detailed manner.

+ They were kind and interested during a hair transplant.

+ 3 other people also had a hair transplant.

My Bad Reviews

- When we talked on the phone, they did not give me guarantee to implant 5000 grafts or more but they implanted 6200 grafts. But other hair transplant clinics gave me a guarantee to implant 5000 grafts.

- I would expect to see a cool-looking hospital from such a successful clinic. I should say they are operating in a humble hospital without luxury. But don’t get me wrong; it is not a dirty or bad place, it is not luxurious.

- It could have been cheaper.

My Complaints from Hermest Hair Clinic

Actually, I have nothing to complain about. The hair transplant operation was good, they always supported me in the hair transplant process and my hair transplant had the best possible result.

