Declutter These Expired Goods In Your Home Now!

8 min readNov 15, 2023

Full disclosure, I detest cluttered anything. I have always preferred open space to stuff. If an object isn’t functional or exquisite it does not get in my home. Not many duplicate items here because I have never found a need for things like a dozen wood spatulas.

My kitchen cabinets and pantry items are in order and my junk drawer is not filled with junk.

I learned there are other expired goods in our homes other than expired food and medicine cabinet contents that we need to be aware of.

The changing of the seasons seems a good time to me to get rid of the stuff from the previous season I did not use. As I snuggle in for the winter season I decided it is a good idea to check these things. I am giving myself until Thanksgiving to go through the list. Yikes! Thanksgiving is only 2 weeks away!


There is more to the decluttering process than just throwing out old broken junk. Yes, getting rid of the myriad lid-less plastic containers used for leftovers is a good start as is tossing expired perishable items. Decluttering can be a fresh start too. Getting rid of unwanted items and chipped coffee mugs is easy.

When it comes to all the meaningful sentimental items we have things get a little tricky. Here is where we learn…

