Use ‘The Declutter Code’ To Declutter Your Mind: Step 5 Revealed

Yvette Bowlin
4 min readAug 18, 2020


If you’re following along with our progress in The Declutter Code, Step 4 prepared us to look deeply. Now, we open our eyes to really see. In the space we’ve created, we begin to observe with new eyes. (Speaking of space, be sure you’ve read and practiced Step 4 so you can apply it to this step.)


The fifth step, see, is to sense without story. We recognize thoughts exactly as they are: harmless mental concepts. We can appreciate what we take in through our eyes without making it something it’s not (nonsense).

We are responsible for what we see and how we see it. We know that what we see is being interpreted through our lenses, our perspective, subject to our labels and beliefs.

In this step, seeing could be labeled “insight” (seeing inside) because we come from a place of knowing that we see things based on how we see ourselves. Once we know that our point of view is a projection of what’s happening internally, we’re free to work on ourselves, being the change we wish to see in the world.


Seeing is to see through clutter.

It’s in seeing through clutter that we’re able to recognize its fickle nature. When we recognize clutter as always changing form, we recognize that it’s powerless without our thoughts. It’s mind-made. We can change it at any time.

We open our eyes to clutter’s futility, serving only to keep us imprisoned in our fear.

The previous steps prepared us the space to gain a vantage point from a distance. From there, we can bring about a new perspective. From there, we can see through clutter to clarity.

Seeing is clear seeing. We begin to see from an observer state — taking it all in without casting judgment or forming biases. What we see is not subject to our conditions or control.

That new perspective allows us to decipher what thoughts beget what behavior; to see the effect of our thoughts.

To really be open to perceiving differently, interpreting differently, we have to see differently.


Seeing feels like clear sight, or clarity. It feels like observation, recognition, appreciation. Acknowledging and appreciating what you see and how you see it.

Seeing feels like seeing through, into and within. It feels like looking responsibly, meaning we take responsibility for what we see in the world because we understand it is a projection of what we see inside.

Seeing feels like a new experience created with new eyes to see and appreciate each new day. Seeing feels like acceptance. It is recognizing things as they are without having to make them different. Allowance. Allowing what is to be as it is. Without makeup, without costume, without blindfolds. It is growth toward what is occurring now.


A mirror is our tool for seeing, both mentally and physically. A mirror reflects ourselves back to us. What we see in this mirror is what we are willing to see. The mind interpreted a sensory message and spit out a reflection. This reflection tells us what’s going on inside, just like a bathroom mirror tells us what’s showing up outside.

Since we are always projecting our own mental concepts onto others, we see the world as we are. And how we see that person is representative of what we think about ourselves.

When we’re blinded by clutter, we don’t accept change or unexpected surprises — especially if they’re not what we planned for or built a schedule around. We expect everything to go just as we think it should.

We don’t really know what should happen because we don’t know what could happen. When we blind ourselves to all the possible could-happens, we don’t see all the opportunity in what does happen.

We can’t control what happens, only how we choose to see what does.


Each morning, look in a full-length mirror at yourself, preferably naked, and point out all the things you see on your body that you appreciate.

List out loud three things, from the beauty mark on your nose to your long, strong legs. Show gratitude for it by placing a hand there, breathing adoration straight into that area.

Smile as you do this. Do not say anything disparaging or belittling — look only for the good. Because what you look for, you find.

Leave a comment below on your experience with using a mirror to see with open, pure eyes. What does it feel like for you?

Excerpt taken from “The Declutter Code: 10 Simple Steps to Clarity.”

Originally published on Find out more from the author here.

