The Hurdles of Writing PhD Dissertation and How to Overcome Them

Decode DNA Pvt Ltd
4 min readJun 27, 2024


Getting started with dissertation writing is a difficult task indeed right from the preparation of the project to execution. However, what add to the agony are the challenges that emerge when you start writing the dissertation. It is almost like entering a realm of complexities that present themselves before you at every stage of the project and you need to work harder and harder to overcome those obstacles. That is why many PhD aspirants search for professional thesis writing services to get rid of this spiralling burden.

thesis writing services

What exactly are the hurdles that PhD candidates face when writing dissertation? Here is what you need to know:

1. Meeting the demands of rigorous research

The dissertation writing journey is marked by heavy demands of research. Therefore, students are often overburdened with conducting extensive research to ensure that their work is original and not copied from others. Usually, the process of writing thesis to its completion takes about three to five years, which makes the entire thing cumbersome.

The aspirants need to probe in-depth for data collection related to the specific field and its niche, grab literature reviews and develop new insights and ideas associated with the field. At the same time, they need to complete the classroom requirements of the course programme and handle various responsibilities. If you want to steer clear of these hassles and focus on what you need to, navigate to a medical thesis writing service for the best results.

2. Managing time

The essence of time is what makes dissertation writing most difficult. Most aspirants pursuing PhD fall short of time and need to rush to submit their work within the designated timeline. Well, it’s not that complicated as all you need is careful planning to ensure that the work meet its deadline. To achieve this target, you need to maintain a healthy balance between your writing task, personal obligations, and the planning of time. That way, you will find it easier to maintain a streamlined workflow and complete the dissertation writing task as planned.

3. Meeting high standards

Students pursuing PhD course programmes are usually held to very high standards academically. Naturally, the work they present must have unique research elements and establish in renowned journals from across the globe. Moreover, the work of candidates is constantly subject to reviews by peers, advisors, and everyone within the academic community. Now, that calls for a lot of stress and anxiety that never seems to go except when you hire a thesis writing service and ensure that your work never falls short of the desired expectations.

4. Lack of motivation and mental fatigue

No matter how you begin writing the PhD dissertation, motivation is one of the key aspects. Unfortunately, most students lack motivation midway and ruin the quality of writing. A good remedy would be to perform research and writing on the topic. You will gradually find things to fall in track and steer ahead of the challenges with ease. Try to stay up-to-date with the developments in this field so that you are familiar with the trends. Apart from this, the pressure and stress of handling such a vast amount of research can hamper the quality of work as it brings a lot of mental exhaustion.

5. No support system

A strong support system characterises you the thesis writing journey. The aspirants need the support of peers, advisors, and mentors to get encouragement and support and encouragement. However, not everyone has this kind of access to strong network, which may make thesis writing a highly stressful work.

6. Plagiarism

Students engaged in thesis writing feel fatigued very soon and tend to copy others’ work and end up producing plagiarised work. To write a dissertation, one needs to conduct proper research and should have good knowledge of the topic, which in turn creates stress. A medical thesis writing service can help students prepare original research-based projects and mitigates the chances of producing plagiarised work.

7. Pressure of publishing work

Students pursuing PhD course programmes often face a lot of pressure to contribute to several publications during writing. Due to this urgency of publication, they often feel stressed. Moreover, the immense pressure of producing original work and the negative feelings that the work might be rejected makes the students feel isolated.

Dissertation writing depends on the proficiency of writing and the intellectual skills of students. However, the challenges they face during writing often makes the simplest of tasks more than complicated. While you can start addressing the hurdles, stop at Decode DNA Pvt Ltd, one of the trusted dissertation writing services in Delhi to craft your thesis professionally.



Decode DNA Pvt Ltd

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