Hack.Summit(“Blockchain”) Contest Spotlight: aeternity

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2 min readJul 4, 2018

aeternity has created a challenge as a part of Hack.Summit(“Blockchain”) — a global, virtual hackathon hosted by Deconet and Hack VC that will take place from July 6th-8th, 2018.

æternity is a scalable blockchain platform that enables high-speed transacting, purely-functional smart contracts, and decentralized oracles. At aeternity, they believe that it should be native to access that functionality right from the smart contract language.

Therefore, they are developing a new smart contract language called Sophia. Sophia focuses on security by providing a more testable programming language.


Check out aeternity’s full challenge description here (create an account in Deconet to view it). Additional resources and judging criteria are also provided.

aeternity’s challenge has 2 parts:

Part 1 — “Primary” : work through the tutorial and demonstrate a simple æpp that facilitates as many different working features of Sophia as possible. The æpp should demonstrate aeternity’s functionality triggered by a user through a simple web-front end.

Part 2 — “Secondary”: tackle a business challenge which is solving the “proof of me” problem. Today, if someone gets access to your private key, that person could pretend to be you (for example by signing a message with your private key). What additional security could æpp developers add in order to prevent such a misuse and how would it theoretically be implemented (technically and user stories)?


  • 5,000 CHF paid in AE tokens

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