The Decred Drive (June 4)

The Decred Drive
3 min readJun 5, 2020

Welcome to The Decred Drive. Every Thursday this brief newsletter highlights top-notch Decred content from the previous week. Please note that this weeks’ post will cover the last two weeks of activity as I was recently not feeling well and did not publish last week.

We are living through incredibly tense times — the start of a revolution, a search to redefine the way we communicate, store value, exchange goods and services, socialize with family and friends… Law enforcement, banks, government, the Fed is a mechanism to protect those in control. The revolution will not be centralized —the revolution is beginning.

Decred is a permissionless value storage system of that can serve humanity as a global source of financial relief from the ever-growing centralized pressures of modern day society. Let’s dig into what the Decred community has been up to these past weeks:

  1. New Decred in Depth episode with Raedah, who recently put forth a cool proposal, Planet Decred. Give this episode a listen — nice to learn about Raedah Group, one of the top developer groups in the DCR community.
  2. Mixed transactions are coming to Decrediton. This is going to ramp up privacy usage substantially. Exciting stuff. Decred has always planned to implement privacy and the vision is coming to life. Decred’s approach to privacy is iterative — step-by-step, over time, privacy will be enhanced and and become more accessible to users.
  3. Decred’s own Richard Red released a study on the DCR market-making — takes a look at how liquidity has changed one month after the end of treasury-funded Decred market-making. It’s worth reading this report carefully to consider if MMing is a valuable service for which we should be paying a significant amount of funds from the treasury.
  4. If you haven’t already, make sure to watch all the Decred presentations from Consensus Distributed. The Q&A portion with Jake Yocom-Piatt is informative — definitely worth a listen, and was released a little later than the earlier presentations.
  5. Decred DEX development is humming along — very, very exciting stuff. Try to keep up with this part of the Decred project because this seeks to facilitate global decentralized exchange of digital assets via atomic swaps. The start of something great. More to come... Check out testnet testing.
  6. Check out Decred on Metal Pay. I’ve been looking for a way to buy $DCR on mobile with USD. Metal Pay is a decent option — download the app.
  7. There’s plenty of action on Politeia recently. Four proposals from last week are already voting. Make sure to put your tickets to work! Two already look like may be close to passing — Decred OnChain — A Research and Charting Resource and DCR On-Chain Research: Phase 2. Good stuff! Summaries of these proposals can be viewed in Politeia Digest and Bi-Weekly Update.
  8. In discussion on Politeia, there’s the Decred Bug Bounty Proposal: Phase 3 and a couple others (including Decred Planet) — make sure to read through all the proposals in discussion and provide feedback before they go to voting!
  9. Great blog post for Decred’s own Jamie Holdstock “A More Private Way to Stake”. This is a must read. VSPD is a new privacy-focused solution for Decred staking. Enabling VSP tickets to be purchased with funds mixed through CSPP increases the size of the overall anonymity set, which in turn provides a greater level of privacy for all Decred users. Exciting stuff!
  10. Check out The Decred Full Node & Tor Setup Tutorial. This is a wonderful resource because now anyone anywhere can learn how to support the Decred network by running a full node. I’ll be digging in this week!

Have a great week folks — stay safe.

@DecredDragon on Twitter



The Decred Drive

As Decred grows and matures into a top digital SoV asset, it is important to acknowledge the hard work of our community.