Reviewing the Decentralized 2018 iOS app | Part 1

6 min readNov 7, 2018



Six days ago I wrote the introductory post for one of the most important blockchain events of the year, Decentralized 2018, where a lot of companies are going to be exhibiting their products, and a lot of industry leaders are going to be sharing their insights and knowledge with the attendants.

This organization has also developed a mobile application for iOS & Android, to facilitate access to all of the information related to this exciting event, this is a wise decision because sometimes checking information through a mobile app can be much more efficient and easy than having to visit a website, besides, given the fact that more and more people are using their smartphones as their primary device for surfing the internet, it is important for there to be an app that is properly designed for smaller screens, and with a very intuitive & easy to use interface.

Therefore, I figured it was a good idea to download this application and see what if can offer to its users, in my case, I will be testing the iOS application, but since the interface is the same for both systems, Android users will be having a very similar experience.

My personal review of the Decentralized 2018 iOS app

The way this app is designed is extremely simple and this makes it easier to navigate through its different sections. The first thing we need to do when opening the app for the first time, is to log in with our account, or if we don’t have an account then we can proceed to create one. Once we are all set with our account the app will take us to the Activity Streams, which is also the default section that will appear every time we open the app in the future.

As I am showing in the gif below, the “Activity Streams” is where we can see everything that other people with a Decentralized 2018 account is doing, it works in a similar way as the common feeds we can see in other social media websites like Steemit or Busy.

We can also check other people’s profiles and see what they have posted in the past and leave comments and likes just like in any regular social media platform.

There are options that allow us to add people to our list of favorites or to our contact list in case we were able to meet this person or if we are planning to have further contact.

That’s all we can find in the activity stream, however, there are more sections with useful information that we can access when tapping the button inside the red circle in the following image:

Usually that button is in the top left corner of the screen, but when tapping it, the other sections of the app appear and the previous screen is moved to the right, as the image above is showing, there are 11 sections in total. I am going to show every one of these sections except Twitter and the Website for obvious reasons, and given the fact there are a lot of sections to cover, this review is going to be divided into 2 different articles.

Since I already showed “Activity Streams” because it is the first thing we see when opening the app, the next step is to explore the People’s section.

In this section we can find every person who has already registered on the app, we can sort them by first name, last name, company, and we can also filter the people by manually entering that same info. In the following image I used the name “George” as an example to show how the app can filter the results:

I also want to show how the list changes depending on how we sort it by either first/last name and company:

Those are very useful features that make it extremely easy for users to find the people they are interested in meeting, and since the app also has the option to send private messages, then there shouldn’t be any complication with arranging a chat with potential clients and partners.

The next and final section that we are going to cover today is called “Favorites & Notes”, in there we can find the list of individual that we have added to our favorites list, as well as notes about these individuals to avoid forgetting basic information about them or important topics that should be discussed with them:


In this article, I shared and explained the importance of having a mobile app to facilitate access to the content related to this important blockchain event. The app is available for both iOS & Android, which are the 2 most important platforms for smartphones & tablets, and it has several sections to present the information in an orderly manner.

The general design of the app is appropriate for smaller screens, however in iOS the app was designed just for the iPhone size, which means that when using an iPad the app simply gets bigger, but the design remains the same. It is common to see apps having a design specifically for tablets, and even though this is not the case with this app, using it is very comfortable and easy.

Due to the fact there are too many sections, the remaining ones will be reviewed in the next article that is going to be posted soon!

I am looking forward to knowing what do you think what of “Decentralized 2018” and its iOS app! So feel free to share your thoughts!

More information about this event can be found on the following links:

· Website:

· Speakers:

· Promotional Video

· University Of Nicosia:

· Sponsors:

· Press Releases:

· Buy Tickets:


The information contained within this post shall not be taken as a financial advice. I am not a financial advisor and none of your investment decisions should be carried out based on any information presented here. You can lose all of your money by investing. The information presented in this article is for educational and entertainment purposes only.




Technology & Science enthusiast - Crypto advocate - Freedom & Philosophy lover