Four Temperaments of Personality

9 min readJul 21, 2023


The Nova 19 ~ Four Temperaments of Personality

De’Shawn Kelly ~ The Kounselor

2023 ~ Life Is A Journey

Trust In The Lord ~ Believe In Jesus

Document Type

Psychology Case Study

Degree Name



T.S.U. ~ Liberal Arts & Behavioral Sciences

L.S.U. ~ Humanities & Social Sciences


Psychology ~ Journalism

First Advisor

Eric Foster (TSU)

Second Advisor

Julian Jennifer (TSU)

Third Advisor


“I have blamed myself constantly for things that went wrong. I have been anxious or worried for no good reason, reinstating ‘I have been anxious or worried for no good reason.’ ‘I have felt scared or panicky for no good reason. Thoughts have been getting stuck in my head. Depressive thoughts, which I have been so unhappy that I have had difficulty sleeping. I have felt misery, and I have been so unhappy that I’ve been crying. The thought of harming myself has occurred to me’… however “Total Score equals ___”. ~ Statements to answer from the second half of The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS).

Answer choices: “Yes, most of the time. Yes, quite often. Hardly ever. Never.”

How can we know how beneficial the development of Psychology may truly be if we’re not being truthful with ourselves?

On April 15, 2023

“The Nova 19 event was filled with the brightness of many stars in action. We were able to undergo the Four Temperaments of Personality: Sanguine, Choleric, Phlegmatic, and Melancholic (Claudius Galen). We discovered strengths & weaknesses. Many phases were demonstrated, as if we were on a gameshow. Based on the acknowledgment of how personalities became empirical toward one another, the case study will include code names each participant came up with; as well as the psychological phases demonstrated.” ~ The Kounselor

The approach Nova 19 will utilize is “Personality” and the focus will be on the relationship between Four Temperament Types and Nineteen Spiritual Gifts. The Theory as follow: Why do we experience a balance between Four Temperament Types as well as the Nineteen Spiritual Gifts while barely noticing consciousness? The Hypothesis as stated: “Conscious Discipline plays a big part in telling the Truth.”

To begin, we will introduce the Nova 19 with an ice breaker. “A class of exploding stars whose luminosity temporarily increases; from several thousand to as much as 86 billion connections”. We’re talking Neurons in the Brain! Philosophical Questions, Two Truths & a Lie, and The Bible Study. The Brain is “warming up to exercise.” The Nova 19 is a psychological case study that ties into the biological and social factors of how human beings may perceive certain situations/experiences.

Developmental growth throughout the process will occur. A relationship between Four Temperament Types and Nineteen Spiritual Gifts. We have a control group (purple team) and an experimental group (blue team). The Kounselor will not follow a hindsight bias, but instead we will use free association and functionalism. Free association uses PsychoAnalysis to root out repressed feelings and self-insight. Functionalism puts forth that understanding the purpose of the mind and consciousness is the aim of Psychology. Psychology is an Integrative science, which allows free association and functionalism to connect with PsychoAnalysis.

D.Kelly as the host a.k.a “The Kounselor” gave an assumption referring to himself as Melancholic. To follow up, attention to detail is a sense the Kounselor may possess. The sense that allows an examination towards insight and gives him the idea to analyze the nature of the event in order to understand or explain it. He would like to introduce the participants by code name: “Amethyst, Threezy, Skooby, Sun, Ghost, Bishop, Leprechaun, Thomas, Dexter, Stargirl, Visa Debit, Daisy, Sparkle, and Sprinkle.” There was a preponderance amount of people intrigued to participate. Fourteen were chosen; seven on the blue team and seven on the purple team. The Nova 19 was an event connected with activities in which people were able socialize and have pleasurable conversations.

To begin, we played a game called “IPIC”. One player from each team was selected and their teammates would have to guess the picture chosen by the player selected. The game that focuses on trusting your teammates, as well as certain roles falling into place. Both teams in two different settings: the blue team in the theater room and the purple team in the billiard room. First, we had the blue team! On the blue team we have Thomas, Dexter, Visa Debit, Sun, Threezy, Sprinkle, and Sparkle. To begin “IPIC”, we started off with “Visa Debit” choosing a photo in the theater room between the three largest paintings: Spider-man, The Avengers, and The classic Avengers. Each participant had to guess the artwork selected. Thomas was the first to answer. The shot callers had been Sprinkle and Sparkle. Dexter followed his intuition. Once the photo had been chosen by a particular teammate, we asked the others if they agreed. Threezy and Sun led their team to a conformed answer. Visa Debit smiled, as if he wanted to conform as well. We will never know the true answer, but the blue team had won points for teammate participation as they chose the correct painting selected.

Next, we had the purple team! On the purple team we have Amethyst, Skooby, Stargirl, Ghost, Bishop, Daisy, and Leprechaun. They were intrigued; they were ready! They were in a large room with a square feet of about 13’6” x 17’. From alignment of the chairs and pool table, we have: 16 photos to the left, 4 to the front, and 1 to the right. One participant was selected to choose a photo, and the participant had been Bishop. We chose to use a word that meant left in medical terms: sinister. As he sat back down, I began to ask his teammates the question. “Bishop selected a photo opposite of the sinister direction. Which photo did he select?” The attention from most participants had been lackadaisical, but Stargirl had been ready to answer. Amethyst and Daisy chose to help, but the fate of the answer was on Stargirl. She went with her intuition, thought out her answer, and chose “The Titanic photo to the Right”. The Kounselor had been surprise, and Stargirl had been correct. Due to the lack of participation from the Purple team, they only scored 4 points. The Blue team scored 7 and won the game.

The four temperament types describe individuals as Sanguine (optimistic, social, and associated with the element of air), Melancholic (analytical, quiet, and associated with water), Choleric (short-tempered, irritable, and associated with fire), and Phlegmatic (relaxed, peaceful, and associated with earth) (Buckingham, 2002). The Kounselor will not put labels on any of the participants, but he will point out the gifts demonstrated from The Nova 19 experience. (1) There is a significant correlation between the sanguine temperament and the gifts of administration, leadership, and hospitality. (2) There is a significant correlation between the choleric temperament and the gift of evangelism. (3) There is a correlation between the phlegmatic temperament and the gift of wisdom. (4) Not all Nineteen Spiritual Gifts appear in the correlation with the four temperaments.

Then came the “superfactors” of personality which was studied by Hans J. Eysenck. Neuroticism with Emotional Stability and Extraversion with Introversion. “Neuroticism was Eysenck’s name for a personality dimension that ranges from being emotionally calm and stable at one extreme, to being nervous and easily upset at the other. Eysenck’s second dimension of temperament was Extraversion-Introversion.” He used these terms to describe people around us. “Extroverts as outgoing and talkative, while introverts as shy and quiet.” (DK, 319)

The Kounselor has a riddle for you: What is something that we all experience at the same time, but isn’t measurable and is hard to define? You can’t hold it in your hand or take pictures of it. It isn’t something you learn or practice; It’s just within you… It’s an inner experience. The key to self-observation and an individual’s awareness. Your stream of thoughts. The creator of the mindset you have. Your life in a bubble. The answer is your Consciousness. “Consciousness can be defined as our awareness of ourselves and our environment” (CC, 2014). Consciousness allows us to take in many feelings, emotions, senses, and reactions at once. Just like our Nervous System, but in a more psychological understanding. The key to a sustainable environment is increase upon recognition towards the Intellectual Property in order to improve our focus on what we prioritize most.

Detachment from family & friends can lead someone on to self-independence for better or for worse. Consciousness allows us to think about life; as well as every situation that can affect our past, present, and future. Our consciousness helps us manifest our future, consider consequences, and reflect on the past. It is the most familiar and most mysterious part of our lives. Like our intuition; like the force from Star Wars. As we talk about Consciousness and the Brain, I would love to throw my focus/ passion and purpose into this case study! I am a geek for Psychiatry and Neurology! I study Neuroscience and many Psychiatric disorders. With that being said… we will talk about the study of how brain activity is linked with our mental processes.

The term “consciousness” is an individual’s self-awareness of their own thoughts. Your consciousness can lead you to a conformed situation. Say for instance, “A team exerts profound social effects on its members. People feel compelled to conform in order to fit in. They will pretend or even convince themselves that they agree with the majority. Their tendency to conform can be stronger than their values or basic perceptions.” (DK, 225). If you focus your thoughts on your consciousness, you soon become aware that your conscious experiences are constantly changing. A seismique that has a strong or widespread impact. A certain amount of conformity serving to your sociology.

So back to the hypothesis: “Conscious discipline plays a big part in telling the Truth.” Due to the state of arousal “Visa Debit” experienced from his teammates, the Kounselor believed his conscious discipline was not in effect to him telling the Truth. Not an accusation to say he was lying, but how can we truly know that he was telling the Truth? The blue team had been the experimental group, and the purple team had been the control group that tested the Kounselor’s theory. “Why do we experience a balance between Four Temperament Types as well as the Nineteen Spiritual Gifts while barely noticing consciousness?” Each team with seven participants, each member with a different uniqueness. To include, we experienced the following gifts from both teams: administration, leadership, hospitality, evangelism, and wisdom. More case studies to come, and more research to do. I truly do appreciate those of you who chose to read my case study.


The Kounselor


Follow up! On April 17, 2023

The Kounselor headed back to Texas Southern University for an ante meridiem class @9:00. Subsequently, the Kounselor came to the library with a psychology major who resembled him. A young lady I recently found out was my cousin,” said the Kounselor. She’s psychic; I can tell you by her energy. She matched with Melancholic. The prior evidence is that we have worked in the library together all semester in order to recognize the resemblance. A connection built with the psychological experience of body fluids between family.

Psychology is the study of the soul. Psychology is the scientific study of behavior, mental processes, and brain functions. Psychologists are studying to understand mental processes, brain functions, and behavior in order to come up with elaborate ideas on certain situations. Psychology is the study of mental life and is well needed in the world that we live in today. Thank You.

The Nova 19 ~ Four Temperaments of Personality

De’Shawn Kelly ~ The Kounselor

2023 ~ Life Is A Journey

Trust The Lord ~ Believe in Jesus

