Why Developers Must Learn to Design?

deeksha sharma
5 min readJul 29, 2019

A journey of a backend engineer learning UX Design and front-end development

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

When working on a product inside a company, there are many teams who work together to bring value to the customer. This is often needed so that the specialized teams continue to work on what they know best and more features (hence more customer value) could be delivered

The teams collaborating in Software Development Lifecycle

I worked in this model of Software Development for years as a Backend Engineer. I thoroughly enjoyed solving intricate algorithmic problems, writing automated tests to prove the correctness and to make sure that Software remains performant and responsive under varying loads.

However, there were few things that always bothered me working in this fashion

  1. I was not aware how my work fits in the entire product?
  2. How does Product and UI/UX teams decide what customer would see and how would they interact with our product?
  3. How is the front-end codebase developed to interact with our backend APIs?

While I could have continued to stay comfortable in my expertise silo, I decided to break down and learn to design a product.



deeksha sharma

Work for https://bonsaiilabs.com/ life long learner ,investing time heavily in personal finance, education, tech and design skills. Twitter: @deekshasharma25