I’m a designer and I want to help the world. Now what?

Deena Rosen
Opower UX
Published in
4 min readJun 11, 2015


12 companies you should know about

It’s clear that our beautiful, incredible world is broken in many ways — so many of society’s processes have grown over the decades into massive systems that feel impossible to change. As designers, we love to solve problems, and the silver lining of our world’s complexity is that there are so many worthy problems for us to dive into. There’s a growing appetite in the design and tech communities to do this, which Mary Meeker’s 2015 internet trends report confirms: The most important factor for Millennial job-seekers is meaningful work.

Adapted from slide 114 of Mary Meeker’s internet trends report

But it’s not always apparent for designers to know where to look for jobs that match up with the problems they’re passionate about. Many smaller startups working on interesting issues aren’t as well-known to the design industry as the larger, consumer-facing product companies. My team at Opower often gives advice to designers looking to put their effort towards social causes, and we’d like to share this resource with the Medium community.

Advice if you want to work for a company with a strong social mission



Deena Rosen
Opower UX

Advisor, behavioral designer, and activist with a focus on climate and equity work. ex-Opower, d.school, Smart Design.