The scariest planets in the Universe

5 min readMar 27, 2024


This is a black gas giant discovered in 2006, with a mass equivalent to 1.5 masses of Jupiter. It reflects less than 1% of the light that falls on the planet, making TrES-2b the darkest known planet. It is darker than coal or soot. The atmosphere on TrES-2b is 980 degrees Celsius.

TrES-2b as imagined by an artist. Although in reality, it is even darker. Source:

55 Cancri e

This super-Earth is located in the constellation of a sun-like star, 55 Cancri A. Its radius is approximately two times larger than Earth’s, and its mass is 8–9 times that of Earth. The distance from 55 Cancri e to its parent star is 0.0157 AU, 60 times less than the distance between Earth and the Sun. Because of this, the planet always faces the star on one side, and the other is in perpetual darkness. On the lit side, the temperature is 2400 degrees Celsius, and on the dark side, it’s 1100. As a result, the planet’s illuminated side is a vast ocean of lava.

55 Cancri e as imagined by an artist. Source:

HD 189733

This bright blue gas giant is slightly larger than Jupiter, orbiting an orange dwarf. Initially, scientists thought that HD 189733’s blue color indicated the presence of a large amount of water, but further research showed that the…




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