Why is the Moon drifting away from Earth?

3 min readMay 25, 2024

One of our subscribers recently asked us, “Why is the Moon drifting away from Earth?” This question is quite interesting and complex, so let’s explore it.

Source: https://vokrugsveta.ua

How did the Moon form?

Before we get into the nitty-gritty, let’s recap the Moon’s origin story. After the formation of Earth, a planet called Theia, located at one of the Lagrange points of the Sun-Earth system, collided with our planet. This cataclysmic event flung large chunks of Theia’s crust into space, which eventually came together to form our Moon.

Source: https://ria.ru

Over time, gravitational forces began to bind the matter together, forming a satellite. This theory explains well why the Moon is predominantly made up of lighter elements, making it less dense than Earth.

Although this theory is the most well-known, it is not without its problems. Collision models suggest that the Moon should comprise about 60 percent of Theia’s material. However, samples of lunar rocks indicate that Earth and the Moon are almost identical twins.

How does the Moon affect Earth?




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