Machine Learning: Fundamentals

Deepanshu Anand
2 min readJun 21, 2022

Machine Learning is an approach of programming in which we find a function which relates the given data to the final result required.

In conventional programming technique, we used to find the result using data and the function.

representation of a function relating data to target

Machine Learning is of Two types:

  • Supervised Learning: It is the type of learning where we already have well labelled data with correct answers which is used to train the machine and predict the results with new set of data.
  • Unsupervised Learning: It is a type of learning where the information is neither classified nor labelled and the machine has to find similarities, differences and patterns without any training.
machine learning classification
Classification Of Machine Learning

How Does Machine Learning Works

Process of Machine Learning

Importance Of Machine Learning

Machine Learning is a buzzword of today’s technology, and is growing very rapidly. We are using it without even knowing it, for example:

  • Image recognition or face detection in Google Photos to categorize images of different persons
  • Traffic Prediction in Google Maps
  • Product recommendations which is used by Amazon or Facebook or Netflix to recommend products or movies according to your choice
  • Email spamming uses classification and is used by Gmail

All these applications of Machine Learning help us to make our lives easier by solving basic to complex problems.

Note: We will learn about all the technical terms used in this blog one by one as we move further.

I hope you understand what is machine learning and how it is important for future of technology.
Stay tuned to know more about Machine Learning and other related technologies.



Deepanshu Anand

Goodwill to all, I am Deepanshu Anand currently pursuing my in AI and Data Science. I am a cyber geek and share a major interest in MLOps.