The David Sharp Controversy

Know About People
2 min readMay 25, 2023


The David Sharp controversy refers to a highly debated incident that occurred on Mount Everest in 2006, involving British mountaineer David Sharp. The incident raised ethical questions and sparked a heated discussion within the mountaineering community.

David Sharp, an experienced climber from England, attempted to climb Mount Everest solo and without the use of supplemental oxygen. During his ascent, he encountered difficulties and exhaustion near the mountain’s Second Step, at an altitude of around 8,600 meters (28,215 feet). Sharp sought shelter in a small cave-like feature known as the “Green Boots Cave” (named after another deceased climber) to rest and regain his strength.

Unfortunately, Sharp’s condition deteriorated, and he became unable to continue his climb or descend on his own. Several climbers from different expeditions passed him on their way to the summit but did not offer significant assistance due to various factors, including their own exhaustion, the extreme altitude, and the belief that Sharp was beyond help.

News of David Sharp’s situation reached other climbers who were ascending from the North side of Everest. A group of mountaineers, led by a New Zealand climber named Mark Inglis, encountered Sharp but deemed him beyond rescue and unable to communicate. Inglis later stated that he believed Sharp was already beyond saving and that attempting a rescue would have put their own lives at risk.

David Sharp tragically passed away on the mountain, and his body remained in the Green Boots Cave. His death brought attention to the ethical responsibilities climbers have toward fellow climbers in distress at high altitudes.

The incident generated significant controversy and debate within the mountaineering community and beyond. Some criticized the climbers who encountered Sharp for not making a rescue attempt or providing significant assistance, arguing that the value of a human life should always take precedence. Others, however, defended the climbers’ decisions, citing the extreme conditions, the lack of resources, and the knowledge that Sharp had chosen to undertake a challenging solo climb without support.

The David Sharp controversy has prompted discussions and reflections on the ethics and responsibilities of climbers in high-altitude mountaineering, emphasizing the importance of decision-making, teamwork, and the preservation of human life in extreme environments. It serves as a somber reminder of the risks involved in such endeavors and the complex moral dilemmas that can arise in challenging circumstances.

