How to Create a Subdomain in Amazon Route 53

Deep Blue Day
2 min readApr 25, 2019


Andes Mountain Range, Bolivia

This quick article assumes that you already have your parent domain hosted in Route 53, and that you want to create a subdomain for it.

  • Log in to AWS Console.
  • Click Services, and search for “Route 53”.
  • Click on “Hosted zones”.
  • Click on “Create Hosted Zone”.
  • Fill in the hosted zone details. In “Domain Name” make sure to enter the name of the subdomain. Make sure Type is “Public Hosted Zone”
  • Click “Create”.
  • You will be redirected to the hosted zone for the subdomain.
  • Click on the NS record for the subdomain. Copy the values of the NS servers.
  • Go back to “Hosted zones” and locate the hosted zone for the parent domain.
  • Click on “Create Record Set”. Set Type as “NS”. Paste the name servers that were copied in a previous step.
  • Click “Create”.
  • You’re all set!



Deep Blue Day

A melomaniac that happens to be in the trenches of software development