Better Agricultural Techniques To Be Practiced In Toronto

Published in
1 min readMay 30, 2018

John Deere Operations Centre integrates with Toronto-based drone data Services Company for farming, Deveron UAS Corp.

This collaboration will help import field boundaries from Operations Centre to organize fields for drone flights, order on-demand high resolution drone imagery, and receive processed or raw data for decision making during the growing season. In 2017, Deveron completed over 2200 flights for its customers.

“As we continue to expand our drone fleet in North America, we look forward to growing our user base and offering farmers a solution that allows them to focus on farming, not flying drones and processing data,” says David MacMillan, President and CEO of Deveron.


DEEP AERO is a global leader in drone technology innovation. At DEEP AERO, we are building an autonomous drone economy powered by AI & Blockchain.

DEEP AERO’s DRONE-UTM is an AI-driven, autonomous, self-governing, intelligent drone/unmanned aircraft system (UAS) traffic management (UTM) platform on the Blockchain.

DEEP AERO’s DRONE-MP is a decentralized marketplace. It will be one stop shop for all products and services for drones.

These platforms will be the foundation of the drone economy and will be powered by the DEEP AERO (DRONE) token.

