Drone In Combination With HoloLens Enables X-ray Vision

Published in
2 min readApr 30, 2018

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV’s) can move over large areas, identifying damages, and also helps in surveying and rescuing. Researchers from Graz University of Technology, in Syria, Austria have something innovative to do with the drones. They want to change the way we interface with drones.

HoloLens, a Microsoft’s mixed reality head-mounted display, when combined with drones can create a X-ray vision, enabling us to see straight through walls, and placing the drone where one want it to be.

To test the system, the researchers set up a study where participants were asked to perform the remote tasks like reading text on a monitor through the drone’s camera. This process was done either with the augmented reality system or a traditional remote controller, and the participants preferred the augmented reality view.

Source: https://bit.ly/2HC8AAA

DEEP AERO is a global leader in drone technology innovation. At DEEP AERO, we are building an autonomous drone economy powered by AI & Blockchain.

DEEP AERO’s DRONE-UTM is an AI-driven, autonomous, self-governing, intelligent drone/unmanned aircraft system (UAS) traffic management (UTM) platform on the Blockchain.

DEEP AERO’s DRONE-MP is a decentralized marketplace. It will be one stop shop for all products and services for drones.

These platforms will be the foundation of the drone economy and will be powered by the DEEP AERO (DRONE) token.

