Meet FlyFreely That Enables Easier Drone Flights

Published in
2 min readApr 19, 2018

Nowadays, the drones are available to everyone and its applications are seemingly endless. On the other hand, it’s not easy to operate as it seems, as its operation require license, permission and training.

FlyFreely, a startup that aims to make the process of flying drones commercially easier, has developed a software platform to handle the flight planning and approval processes.

“No one has really come up with a single solution, and the industry is moving so fast. Everyone’s reacting to the changes, it’s just evolving so quickly,” says David Cole, Founder and CEO of FlyFreely.

FlyFreely is also working in the agricultural space by using drones to detect the weeds. UAV’s are better known for capturing images and videos that are later converted into the useful data, and this is the area where the real savings are.


DEEP AERO is a global leader in drone technology innovation. At DEEP AERO, we are building an autonomous drone economy powered by AI & Blockchain.

DEEP AERO’s DRONE-UTM is an AI-driven, autonomous, self-governing, intelligent drone/unmanned aircraft system (UAS) traffic management (UTM) platform on the Blockchain.

DEEP AERO’s DRONE-MP is a decentralized marketplace. It will be one stop shop for all products and services for drones.

These platforms will be the foundation of the drone economy and will be powered by the DEEP AERO (DRONE) token.

