Easy way to identify the Addressing and Partitioning fields of Table Calculations in Tableau

Deepak Holla
4 min readFeb 15, 2024


Typical conversion regarding identifying the Addressing and Partitioning fields of a Table Calculation in Tableau

One of the topics that I found very tricky when starting out in Tableau was working with and modifying Table Calculations.
We can simplify things a bit by first identifying the Addressing and Partitioning fields of a Table Calculation.

What is a Table Calculation?

A Table Calculation is used to modify the data returned into Tableau via SQL queries. Table Calculations are a special type of calculated field that work only on the local data (data inside the Tableau Workspace).
We can consider these calculations as Post SQL since they are created directly in the view. Table Calculations transform the values in a visualization.

For any view that is created in Tableau there is an underlying virtual table that is determined by the dimensions used in the view.
NOTE: We should not confuse this table with the other standard tables that are present in the data source.

What are Addressing and Partitioning fields?

Whenever we add a table calculation to a view we must use all dimensions in the level of detail either for partitioning (scoping) or for addressing (direction).

The Addressing fields are the dimensions on which the table calculation is actually performed. These fields determine the direction of the table calculation.

The Partitioning fields are the dimensions that decide the boundary within which the table calculation is performed.
These fields determine the scope of the table calculation.

Easy way to identify the Addressing and Partitioning fields

The easy way to determine the Addressing fields and Partitioning fields is by observing the selection status of Specific Dimensions in the Edit Table Calculation dialog box.

The dimensions that are selected are the Addressing fields (determine the direction).
The remaining
un-selected dimensions are the Partitioning fields (determine the scope).

To better understand this concept let us build a simple cross-tab view in Tableau using the standard Sample Superstore dataset.
Drag and drop the Sub-Category dimension on the Rows shelf.
Drag and drop the Region dimension on the Columns shelf.
Drag and drop the Sales measure into the view on Text of Marks card.

Simple Cross-tab view of Region and Sub-Category Sales

Right-click the Sales pill, Select Quick Table Calculation > Percent of Total

Adding Percent of Total Quick Table Calculation

To better understand how the Percent of Total Table Calculation works let us add both Row and Column Grand Totals to the cross-tab view.

Analysis Menu > Totals > Show Row Grand Totals

Show Row Grand Totals

Analysis Menu > Totals > Show Column Grand Totals

Show Column Grand Totals

Given below is the final view with both Grand Totals added.

View with both Grand Totals added

Right-click the Sales pill, Select Edit Table Calculation.

For this Percent of Total Table Calculation the default Compute Using option is Table (across).

The default Compute Using option is Table (across)

In this case the Region dimension is the Addressing field as it is selected.
Sub-Category dimension is the Partitioning field as it is un-selected.

Region is the Addressing field and Sub-Category is the Partitioning field

The below example is the same Percent of Total Table Calculation for which the Compute Using option is the entire Table.

Compute Using option is the entire Table

In this case both Region and Sub-Category dimensions are Addressing fields as they are both selected.
There are no Partitioning fields in this case.

Both Region and Sub-Category dimensions are Addressing fields and there are no Partitioning fields

The below example is the same Percent of Total Table Calculation for which the Compute Using option is Cell.

Compute Using option is Cell

In this case both Region and Sub-Category dimensions are Partitioning fields as they are both un-selected.
There are no Addressing fields in this case.

Both Region and Sub-Category dimensions are Partitioning fields and there are no Addressing fields

I hope this article is useful for all Tableau users especially for anyone just starting their Tableau journey!!!



Deepak Holla

Recently made a transition into the field of Data Analytics. Have been featured in multiple Tableau DataFam Roundups..