Significance of Default Properties and how they vary based on the Field type in Tableau Desktop

Deepak Holla
5 min readAug 7, 2024


Typical conversation regarding the Default Properties of a Field in the Data Pane

What are the Default Properties?

In Tableau Desktop when we drag fields from the Data pane to shelves, the data is represented as marks in the view.

The fields and their marks will be initially displayed depending on their Default Properties. However we can modify these default settings based on our requirements.

Where can we access the Default Properties in Tableau Desktop?

Once we connect to the data and navigate to the Data pane we need to select the required field.
We can access the Default Properties menu by any of the below methods

Method — I: Clicking the drop-down arrow on a field in the Data pane. This will open the context menu.

The drop-down arrow on a field in the Data pane

Method — II: Right-click the field in the Data pane. In corresponding context menu select Default Properties.
Based on the field type the different Default Properties will be displayed e.g: the Region field will have only 4 default properties i.e. Comment, Color, Shape and Sort.

Default Properties of a Dimension

How do the Default Properties vary based on the Field Type in Tableau Desktop?

The Default Properties menu includes default settings for aggregation, comments, number formatting, color, shape, and totals (based on the type of field).

For a Categorical & Geographical field given below are the Default Properties that will be present

Default Properties for a Categorical field
Default Properties for a Geographical field

For a Numerical field given below are the Default Properties that will be present
Number Format
Total using

Default Properties for a Numerical field

For a Date and Date & Time field given below are the Default Properties that will be present
Date Format
Fiscal Year Start

Default Properties for a Date field

Given below is the Field Type and Default Properties matrix

Typical usage of the Default Properties

We will go through examples of using the Default Properties for a Measure and a Dimension.

Usage of Default Properties for a Measure

Let us consider a view of Sales by Region

Sales by Region Bar Chart

If we need to change the Number Format of Sales we need to go through multiple steps as given below

Step 1: Right-click on the Sales pill either in Rows shelf or Marks card and select Format

Accessing the Format Menu for a field in the view

Step 2: In the Format Pane select the desired Number Format i.e. Pane > Default > Numbers > Currency (Standard) > English (United States)

Changing the Number Format

Make the necessary additional changes to the Number Format i.e. Pane > Default > Numbers > Currency (Custom)

Additional changes to the Number Format

The view now displays the Sales with the updated Number Format.

View with updated Number Format

Instead of having to manually update this Number Format each time in a Viz we can update the Default Properties of the measure.

Right-click on the Sales pill in the Data pane, Select Default Properties > Number Format

Accessing the Default Properties for a Measure

In the Default Number Format Dialog Box Pane set the desired Number Format i.e. Currency (Standard) > English (United States)

Default Number Format

Make the necessary additional changes in the Default Number Format Dialog Box

Additional Number formatting

Drag the Sales pill into a new view. By default the updated Number Format is displayed for the Sales measure.

Updated Number Format displayed in a new view

Usage of Default Properties for a Dimension

Let us consider a Stacked Bar view of Sales by Region and Segment. Segment is placed on Color of Marks card.

Stacked Bar view of Sales by Region and Segment

Right-click on the Segment pill in the Data pane, Select Default Properties > Color

Default Properties for a Dimension

In the Edit Colors Dialog Box Pane select the desired Color Palette, Assign Palette and click Apply.

Edit Colors Dialog Box

The view now displays the Segment with the updated Color Palette.

Updated Color Palette displayed in the view

I hope this article is useful for all Tableau users especially anyone who is new to Tableau!!!



Deepak Holla

Recently made a transition into the field of Data Analytics. Have been featured in multiple Tableau DataFam Roundups..