The different Data Types that are returned when using Date Functions in Tableau

Deepak Holla
8 min readJan 25, 2024


Typical conversion regarding the Data Types of Date functions in Tableau

When using any function in Tableau we need to be aware of the Data Type of the resultant field for carrying out proper analysis.
This is especially true in case of the Date functions as they are many of them in Tableau.

In most cases we will be able to determine the resultant Data Type based on the name of the Date function.
The date functions in Tableau will result in different Data Types e.g. Date, Date & Time, Number (whole), String, Boolean.

NOTE: We will be covering only the most commonly used Date functions in this article.

Given below are the Date functions

DATEADD: This will add a particular number of date parts i.e. month, year to a starting date.

Syntax: DATEADD(date_part, interval, date)

Example for DATEADD Formula

This date function will by default always return a Date & Time Data Type.

DATEADD function returns a Date & Time Data Type

To check if the time component is also present in this field drag it into the view in the Rows shelf and right-click select Exact Date.
Next right-click and select Discrete.

By default if the date mentioned in the calculation does not have a time component it will show up as 00:00:00.

The default time component will be 00:00:00

DATEDIFF: This will return the number of date parts between two dates.

Syntax: DATEDIFF(date_part, date1, date2, [start_of_week])

Example for DATEDIFF Formula

This date function will by default always return a Number (whole) Data Type i.e. Integer.

DATEDIFF function returns a Number (whole) Data Type

Drag the date fields into the view in the Rows shelf and right-click select Exact Date. Next right-click and select Discrete.

Next drag and drop the DATEDIFF field into the Text of Marks card. Right-click and select Dimension.

In this example the DATEDIFF function returns an Integer value

DATENAME: This will return the date part of the specified date as a discrete string.

Syntax: DATENAME(date_part, date, [start_of_week])

Example for DATENAME Formula

This date function will by default always return a String Data Type.

DATENAME function returns a String Data Type

Drag the date field into the view in the Rows shelf and right-click select Exact Date. Next right-click and select Discrete.
Next drag and drop the DATENAME field into the Rows shelf.

In this example the DATENAME function returns the Month Name in String format

DATEPARSE: This will return formatted strings as dates.

Syntax: DATEPARSE(date_format, date_string)

Example for DATEPARSE Formula

This date function will by default always return a Date & Time Data Type.

DATEPARSE function returns a Date & Time Data Type

Drag the DATEPARSE field into the view in the Rows shelf and right-click select Exact Date. Next right-click and select Discrete.

In this example the DATEPARSE function results in a Date with the default time as 00:00:00

DATEPART: This will return the date part of the specified date as an Integer.

Syntax: DATEPART(date_part, date, [start_of_week])

Example for DATEPART Formula

This date function will by default always return a Number (whole) Data Type i.e. Integer.

DATEPART function returns a Number (whole) Data Type

Drag the date field into the view in the Rows shelf and right-click select Exact Date. Next right-click and select Discrete.
Next drag and drop the DATEPART field into the Text of Marks card. Right-click and select Dimension.

In this example the DATEPART function returns the Month in Number format

DATETRUNC: This will return the first occurrence of the specified date part. For example, when we truncate a date that is in the middle of the month at the month level, this function returns the first day of the month.

Syntax: DATETRUNC(date_part, date, [start_of_week])

Example for DATETRUNC Formula

This date function will by default always return a Date & Time Data Type.

DATETRUNC function returns a Date & Time Data Type

Drag the date field into the view in the Rows shelf and right-click select Exact Date. Next right-click and select Discrete.
Next drag and drop the DATETRUNC field into the Rows shelf. Right-click and select Exact Date. Next again right-click and select Discrete.

In this example the DATETRUNC function returns the 1st date of each month along with time component

DAY: This function is similar to DATEPART and it will return the day of the month (1–31) from the specified date as an Integer.

Syntax: DAY(date)

Example for DAY Formula

This date function will by default always return a Number (whole) Data Type i.e. Integer.

DAY function returns a Number (whole) Data Type

Drag the date field into the view in the Rows shelf and right-click select Exact Date. Next right-click and select Discrete.
Next drag and drop the DAY field into the Text of Marks card. Right-click and select Dimension.

In this example the DAY function is returning the day of each date as an Integer

NOTE: Similarly the Date Functions MONTH, QUARTER, WEEK and YEAR also will return a Number (whole) Data Type hence these functions will not be covered in this article.

NOTE: Similarly the Date Functions ISOQUARTER, ISOWEEK, ISO WEEKDAY and ISOYEAR will return the week-based date part (quarter, week, weekday, year) of a given date as an integer hence these functions will not be covered in this article.

ISDATE: This will check if the specified string expression is a valid date.

Syntax: ISDATE(string expression)

Example for ISDATE Formula

This date function will by default always return a Boolean Data Type i.e. either True or False.

ISDATE function returns a Boolean Data Type

Drag and drop the ISDATE field on the Rows shelf.

In this example the ISDATE function returns a True value

MAX: This will return the maximum date from the specified date or the maximum among two dates.

Syntax: MAX(expression) or MAX(expr1, expr2)

Example for MAX Formula

If a Date Expression is used in this function this date function will by default always return a Date Data Type.

MAX function returns a Date Data Type

Drag and drop the MAX field on the Rows shelf.

In this example the MAX function returns a Date Data Type

NOTE: Similarly the Date Function MIN also will return a Date Data Type (when a date expression is used) hence these functions will not be covered in this article.

NOW: This will return the timestamp as per the current local system date and time. NOW does not take an argument.

Syntax: NOW()

Example for NOW Formula

This date function will by default always return a Date & Time Data Type.

NOW function returns a Date & Time Data Type

Drag the NOW field into the view in the Rows shelf and right-click select Exact Date. Next right-click and select Discrete.

In this example the NOW function returns the current local system date and time

TODAY: This will return today’s date as per the current local system date.
TODAY does not take an argument.

Syntax: TODAY()

Example for TODAY Formula

This date function will by default always return a Date Data Type.

TODAY function returns a Date Data Type

Drag the TODAY field into the view in the Rows shelf and right-click select Exact Date. Next right-click and select Discrete.

In this example the TODAY function returns the current local system date

Apart from these Date functions there are some other date related functions that come under the Type Conversion category.

Given below are the Type Conversion Functions

DATE: This will convert the specified expression ( string or number) into a date.

Syntax: DATE(expression)

Example for DATE Formula

This function will by default always return a Date Data Type.

DATE function returns a Date Data Type

Drag the DATE field into the view in the Rows shelf and right-click select Exact Date. Next right-click and select Discrete.

In this example the DATE function returns a Date

DATETIME: This will convert the specified expression ( string or number) into a datetime.

Syntax: DATETIME(expression)

Example for DATETIME Formula

This function will by default always return a Date & Time Data Type.

DATETIME function returns a Date & Time Data Type

Drag the DATETIME field into the view in the Rows shelf and right-click select Exact Date. Next right-click and select Discrete.

In this example the DATETIME function returns a Datetime

MAKEDATE: This will return a date value constructed from the specified numerical year, month, and date.

Syntax: MAKEDATE(year, month, day)

Example for MAKEDATE Formula

This function will by default always return a Date Data Type.

MAKEDATE function returns a Date Data Type

Drag the MAKEDATE field into the view in the Rows shelf and right-click select Exact Date. Next right-click and select Discrete.

In this example the MAKEDATE function returns a Date

MAKEDATETIME: This will return a datetime value constructed from the specified date and time.

Syntax: MAKEDATETIME(date, time)

Example for MAKEDATETIME Formula

This function will by default always return a Date & Time Data Type.

MAKEDATETIME function returns a Date & Time Data Type

Drag the MAKEDATETIME field into the view in the Rows shelf and right-click select Exact Date. Next right-click and select Discrete.

In this example the MAKEDATETIME function returns a Datetime

MAKETIME: This will return a date value constructed from the specified hour, minute, and second.

Syntax: MAKETIME(hour, minute, second)

Example for MAKETIME Formula

As Tableau does not support a time data type, only date time, this function will by default always return a Date & Time Data Type.

MAKETIME function returns a Date & Time Data Type

The date portion of the field will always be 30–12–1899.

In this example the MAKETIME function returns a Datetime with the Date always being 30–12–1899

I hope this article is useful for all Tableau users especially for anyone just starting their Tableau journey!!!



Deepak Holla

Recently made a transition into the field of Data Analytics. Have been featured in multiple Tableau DataFam Roundups..