GSoC Journey: 8th Week @ OpenMRS

Deepak Prasad
2 min readJul 22, 2019


Milestones completed this week

Provider Dashboard

Provider dashboard was added where we can see the details of the Provider. Currently his name and designation is shown.

In future, the Provider Dashboard will have the Patient-Provider relationships and Provider-Provider relationships.

Changing color of Dashboard icons for Dark Mode

Last week I had implemented the Dark Mode. One thing that was remaining was to add a lighter color to Dashboard icons.

An easy way to achieve this and change colors of Icons in ImageViews is to add a tint depending upon the theme to the ImageView. This will change to color of the Icon.

If we are using an icon with just a black and white shade for day and night modes respectively, we should just add the property to the Vector.

fillColor = "?android:colorControlNormal"

Next Milestone

I will be focusing on creating an Analytics by using an Open-source library or by creating a simple one from scratch.

