6 Ways to Turn Artificial Intelligence into Profit

Deepak R
5 min readMay 24, 2023
Photo from Pexels

Every time a new technology booms, there’s a crowd waiting to figure out how to capitalise on it — 3d printing, cryptocurrencies, gene research, does not matter what it’s been

The next cab of the ranks — Artificial intelligence. Chat GPT has changed us forever and brought AI to the common man — the next revolution has begun!

We’re about to explore various avenues that can help you tap into the lucrative opportunities offered by AI.

From developing cutting-edge AI products to offering consulting services and even monetizing data, there’s something for everyone in this remarkable field. So, let’s get cracking!

Developing AI-Based Products and Services

Picture this: you’re an aspiring entrepreneur bursting with innovative ideas. How about transforming those ideas into AI-powered products and services that captivate the market?

Take the success story of OpenAI, the company behind the GPT-3 language model. By developing this advanced AI technology, OpenAI has attracted clients from various industries, including healthcare, finance, and entertainment.

Their AI-powered solutions have revolutionized natural language processing and opened doors for developers to create a wide range of…



Deepak R

🏆 Award winning tech sales geek with a passion for wealth creation, technologies and career success