How to Do Arm Exercises at Home

Deepak Gothwal
3 min readSep 9, 2023


How to Do Arm Exercises at Home

How to Do Arm Exercises at Home

Strong arms will benefit you in your daily activities, such as lifting big objects and participating in sports. You can tone and strengthen your arms with a variety of exercises that you can do at home.

The best arm exercises you may perform at home include the following:

1. Bicep curls:

Exercises that target the biceps brachii, a muscle on the front of the upper arm, include bicep curls. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and a dumbbell in each hand to perform a bicep curl. Keep your upper arms steady while bending your elbows and curling the weights up towards your shoulders. Return the weights to the starting position gradually.

2. Triceps pushdowns:

The muscle on the back of the upper arm known as the triceps brachii is the focus of the exercise known as the triceps pushdown. Put a resistance band on a high anchor point and perform a triceps pushdown. Holding the band’s end in each hand, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lower the weights down towards your hips while keeping your elbows bent and close to your sides. Raise the weights back to the starting position while gradually extending your elbows.

3. Overhead triceps extensions:

The triceps brachii are also worked out during this exercise. Sit on a bench with your feet flat on the ground so that you can perform an overhead triceps extension. With your elbows slightly bent, raise your arms above while holding a dumbbell in each hand. Keep your elbows in line with your ears as you gradually lower the weights behind your head. Return the weights to the starting position gradually.

4. Push-ups:

The chest, shoulders, and triceps are worked out during push-ups. To begin a push-up, position your body in a straight line from your head to your heels while holding a plank stance with your hands shoulder-width apart. Push back up to the starting posture after lowering your body until your chest is in contact with the ground.

5. Pull-ups:

The back and biceps are worked out during pull-ups. Use an overhand grip and shoulders-width apart hands to perform a pull-up. Your arms should be fully extended when hanging from the bar. Once you’ve raised yourself till your chin is above the bar, carefully return to the starting position.

These workouts can be done two to three times per week. Start with a weight that is difficult but still enables you to retain proper form. You can progressively raise the weight or the quantity of repetitions as you gain stronger.

Here are some pointers for making the most of your arm exercises:

  • Use a weight that is difficult for you to maintain proper form when lifting.
  • Pay attention to how each exercise causes the muscle to contract.
  • Ask a personal trainer or seasoned lifter for assistance without hesitation.
  • When working out, be persistent and patient. Building muscle takes time.

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