Hope is still alive, for EV???

Deepak Kumar Jain
2 min readMar 14, 2024


After apple shut down story, it felt like other companies will also start to retrospect their plans. But then, Volvo invests into Breathe Batteries to reignite the hopes in EV industry.

So, what is this investment of Volvo and how it revamps the hope for EV?

Just 2 days ago, Volvocars invested in Breathe for next generation fast charging. This is another step in solving the persistant issue of charging time for Electric Vehicle.

The unique part of this investment is, There is No Physical Product involved in this partnership. Breathe Batteries has been developing cutting-edge algorithms to optimize the battery charging time. Earlier, they have successfully implemented their algorithms into consumer electronics product.

According to the website “Breathe’s physics-based battery management software increases charge speed and cycle life, never compromising on safety. That’s why some of the most iconic electric vehicle and consumer electronics brands trust us.

Breathe Charge offers more than just “fast charging” and is designed with range in mind, delivering optimal charge performance at multiple states of charge and start temperatures. They are focused onto achieving a charging time reduction while adding more range per minute charging during partial charging sessions so customers can experience more driving, with minimal time stopped to charge.

Volvo invests into breathe batteries
Photo by Adam Cai on Unsplash

What it means for Volvo?

Volvo plans to implement the new technology in their new generation fully electric cars, where they expect it will reduce the charging time for fully electric Volvo from 10 to 80 per cent charging state by as much as 30 per cent*, while maintaining the same energy density and range.

The details of the deals are yet to be disclosed.

With this investment, Volvo is expecting to achieve their 2040 net zero targets without mining additional material for the EV batteries and without making any change in their battery design.

We can conclusively say that instead of looking for any battery alternative, Volvo is moving towards Software-defined batteries”.

But again, Time will tell how fruitful this investment is going to be. Apple spend billions and couldn’t make a profitable business out of it. May be Volvo can.

Or may be Volvo is doing all just to achieve their net-zero targets without looking much int profitability, considering they are already very profitable in all their segments.

What’s your thoughts on Volvo’s investment, please share in comments.

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Deepak Kumar Jain

Technology Consultant, Talks about Innovations, Mobility, Mining, Safety, Electric Vehicles, Charging Infrastructure