3 min readFeb 2, 2024


What It Is and Why You Should Know About This

Metaphysics talks about the root truth of existence and the cause of nature, diving into everything beyond the surface. In non-academic words, it’s a complex field of philosophy.

Image source Source deep ai

“Meta” is used to indicate something that is beyond or transcends. It is, in general words, the coding of the world and the great reason why we exist. The Greeks did good work on this topic, with philosophers like Aristotle and Plato.

Ever happened to you sitting alone and thinking about your purpose, wondering why you’re alive? I mostly experienced this as a kid when there was too much alone and boring time. You philosophize when you’re alone with a calm mind. Sometimes you think you’re the main character in the room, but what about the elephant roaming in South Africa? Is he just a side character for me, or am I a part of his world? All these weird thoughts and questions arise when I close my eyes and wonder if the world stops or if it really exists beyond my peripheral vision.

Static mind

I agree, existence is weirdand Want more Well, the question arises: why should you know this? I stated above that you willingly thought about this. You didn’t have a word for it, maybe, but you had a meta approach. Not every time you have to be a philosopher.


  1. Materialism: Materialists argue that everything that exists can be reduced to and explained by material phenomena. Some influential philosophers associated with materialism are Thomas Hobbes (1588–1679) and Karl Marx (1818–1883).
  2. Idealism: This philosophical perspective emphasizes the primacy of ideas, consciousness, or mind in explaining the nature of reality. Influential philosophers associated with idealism include George Berkeley (1685–1753), Immanuel Kant (1724–1804), and Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762–1814).
  3. Realism: A mix of the above two. Realism is like saying, “What you see is what you get!” It’s the idea that the things around us are real, even if we’re not thinking about them. It’s like believing that trees, cars, and pizza exist whether we’re looking at them or not. Great work in realism was done by Aristotle (384–322 BCE) and Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274).

next time you’re thinking or wanting to know the deeper reason behind a reason. Asking weird questions like why we exist or what is God, even if it’s all real. You’re not overthinking; that’s really the thinking. Congrats for having a meta thought.



  • “Being and Time” by Martin Heidegger: Heidegger’s exploration of the nature of being and existence is a foundational work in existential phenomenology and metaphysics.
  • “Metaphysics” by Aristotle: Considered one of the foundational texts in metaphysics, Aristotle’s work delves into the nature of being, substance, and causation.

Start with the above two.

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