The 10:30 PM Friendship Test: Build a Powerful Network

Deepak Siag
2 min readJun 30, 2024


Do you ever meet someone who brags about knowing everyone? They drop names like candy, but does those names or referrals helped you ever?

The real test of a friendship or relationship isn’t how many people you know, but the depth of those connections. Can you call them at 10:30 pm for help, or would it feel awkward?

In our busy lives, it’s easy to collect acquaintances like business cards, destined to gather dust and eventually get tossed. But true relationship is built on something stronger.

Strong relationships aren’t just feel-good; they empower you to help others. The wider your circle of trusted friends, the more resources and support you can offer. This concept is core to the philosophy of organizations like BNI, where building strong business relationships is key to mutual success.

The 10:30 pm Test: Are They a Real Friend?

Here’s a simple way to gauge the strength of your relationships: ask yourself, “Would I feel comfortable calling this person at 10:30 pm for help?”

If the answer is yes, you’ve got a solid connection. This doesn’t mean they’ll always answer (after all, it is late!), but the comfort level speaks volumes.

Building Quality Relationships

Instead of chasing a massive friend list, focus on cultivating meaningful connections. Here’s how:

  • Invest time and effort: True friendships take work. Spend quality time with people who matter, listen actively, and be there for them.
  • Be genuine and reliable: People appreciate honesty and dependability. Be someone they can count on.
  • Share experiences: Shared experiences strengthen bonds. Go on adventures together, big or small.

The Power of Deep Connections

Strong relationships aren’t just feel-good; they empower you to help others. The wider your circle of trusted friends, the more resources and support you can offer.

So, the next time you meet someone, focus on building genuine connections. Aim for the 10:30 pm friendships — the ones that stand the test of time and late-night calls.

Let’s continue the conversation! Share your thoughts on building strong relationships in the comments below.



Deepak Siag

A technical consultant with over 16 yrs of experience in developing, leading, and consulting on various web and mobile applications for startups and businesses.