Which Superhero Houses Define You the Most?

Deepali Poonacha
8 min readJul 14, 2015


There are various reasons why we admire superheroes, they’re sharp, blessed with exceptional strength, look downright remarkable and most of them are insanely rich. Superheroes are awesome, they fall down hundreds of times but get back up yet again, responsibility my friend!

As quoted in Batman Begins,”It’s not who you are underneath but what you do, that defines you.” Adding on to that, your home defines you as well. Take a voyage to these superhero houses and find out which one do you live in.

“It’s not who you are underneath but what you do, that defines you.”

1. Wayne Manor and The Batcave, Gotham City Suburbs

When people get into debates of which superhero is the most realistic one, I can bet all my money on Batman! What does one ever want (or hope) to be? An extremely rich, mysterious and well built billionaire by day and the city’s protector at night.

Growing up without parents, losing close friends and going through an extreme training regimen for years isn’t easy, I agree. But then, Bruce Wayne has undeniably had some unearthly perks. Living dual lifestyles, chairman of Wayne Enterprises during the day and the protector of Gotham at night, Batman dedicates all his strength and willpower for the good of citizens. My only concern, when does he sleep?

While the first property is a classic mansion built in 1580, where Mr. Wayne intimidates his guests with his ‘I don’t care about this money or you’ expression, on the other hand there’s the Batcave where Batman prepares for his latest endeavours (that’s where the Batmobile is). It was in the batcave that Bruce overcame his childhood fear of the dark, and through sheer determination and will power, became the protector of the city of Gotham.

If you live here, you’re an outcast or maybe you consider yourself one, because you were never really a part of the social paradigm. You are extremely dedicated and have a headstrong approach about things which you want from life. Although at times, this stubbornness might work against you, there’s always a Plan B. You’re secretive about achievements and never really rant about them, would rather help your pals to climb up the stairs of fame. You are vulnerable when it comes to emotions, it might be because of the unforeseen loss of someone you’re close to and this could be the reason why you tend to push people away. You fend for people around you, treat them well, lend them money and never ask for it unless you’re completely broke!

2. Fortress of Solitude, The Arctic

Imagine being the strongest man on planet Earth. You’ve got to be careful even when you’re clipping your nail, for fear of it shooting off and breaking through a building. Life wasn’t easy for Superman, from nerve-racking experiences in his childhood to being able to fly which ultimately would lead to many questions followed by bitter truths and explanations.

When Clark Kent became Superman, there were various additions to his life, the Fortress of Solitude was one of them. Located in the Arctic, this crystalline fortress is a piece of beauty. The windows face south, there’s ample sunlight throughout the day(none for six months though), imported right from Krypton, equipped with ultra modern facilities, a few of which you can’t even figure! The coolest facility, which is my personal favourite — Bodytime, where you can feel the presence of the person! P.S.: If you’re not the real Superman, beware of the extremely sharp crystal. Ouch!

If you live here, you’re going to keep looking great irrespective of puberty hitting you like a bus or even worse! Although you rather tend to impress with your wit and intelligence. You’re a caring child who would always return their parents’ calls despite a busy schedule and take time out and go visit them. You’re never late for work and prefer leaving on time, unless there is an emergency (refer changing to Superman while in the elevator). You’re the guy who would turn back time (literally) if that brings your lover back to life. Instead of going full retard in clubs on weekends, you prefer going home and sipping on a glass of wine with your beloved. You’re simply a super someone!

3. Iron Man’s Retreat, Point Dume, California

Unlike conventional superheroes, Iron man doesn’t worry about people invading his personal space. If he’s real mad at you, he might even give away his address and challenge you to attack him with all that you have. Be advised, it doesn’t turn out to be a great idea!

A big man with a suit and armour, take these off and who is he? A genius, billionaire, playboy and philanthropist! Well, Tony Stark sure is a man of phenomenal traits and when you have got it, you ought to flaunt it. Who can do it any better, but him? Iron Man’s retreat is one of the most futuristic superhero houses there are.

While the exterior of Iron man’s house depicts the shape of a UFO that is all set to take off, the interiors are equipped with ultra modern facilities required to carry out weird experiments with his sidekick, Jarvis. Not to forget, the arsenal of super cars and bikes.

If you live here, you’re the bad ass who sits on the last bench and teachers have already foreseen you as a failure. But little do they know of the existence of that genius mind of yours that can do wonders. You are awesome and you know it! You could be a bit outspoken at times and maybe, just maybe, you go a bit out of line and piss people off, but you really don’t care (you should though). You lack emotional depth and can’t really be expressive at times when you really should but hey, it’s okay! Let’s not forget the inherent narcissism.

4. Spider-Man, 69th Road in Forest Roads, Queens

Spider Man is the only one who lacks the cliché attributes possessed by any super hero. Neither is he a god from some distant planet nor is he rich, he’s just a regular guy next door. He might be sitting right next to you, feasting on his Big Mac while checking out the Spidey selfies he took from his DSLR and you might end up being judgemental about this poor geek. Bad bad you!

Spider-Man stays with his uncle and aunt which is sort of embarrassing (maybe that’s why you don’t see him inviting people over to his place, that’s because it’s not his after all!).

If you live here, you’re in your twenties but still live with your parents and technically have no or a few friends. The girl you like is so out of your league and even if she isn’t you might think differently. You’re a sensible and emotional person who has gone through an array of hardships in life, which could include, getting bullied in school, low SATs, an unproductive work life or a lost identity. But you know how to bounce back. You’re on time everywhere, punctual, funny and even sarcastic. People like you, your crush starts to have the hots for you and most importantly you have finally rented your own apartment. All this from a spider bite. Awesome, eh?

5. Wonder Woman

Originally, the Princess of Themyscira, Wonder Woman is the epitome of woman empowerment. She has been setting an example for all the ladies who have felt insecure about their position in the society and she has always encouraged them to take a stand against inequality.

If you live here, you’re empowered, you’re independent and you’re up for challenges that life has posed ever since you were a kid. It’s been a while since you moved out from your city and have settled in quite nicely in a small, yet comfortable apartment. You have made peace with the solitary life that you have chosen, yet, sometimes you do end up bumping into Superman.

Sure, super-boy does come over more than you go to his house, not that you don’t fancy the captivating decor of the Fortress of Solitude but then nothing beats sleeping on your own bed.

6. Captain America

Out of all the superhero houses, Captain’s shouts out class from every corner. It’s an apartment located in the suburbs of the city with a balcony that has a view that overlooks the ocean. The interiors reflect an amalgamation of elements which are retro and modern, perfectly blended together.

You like your place clean and even after hosting a marathon party it will be back to it’s normal self in no time as you can’t stay in a messy apartment. Of course, you’re going to make your friends clean it, there’s nothing that free beer can’t buy!

If you live here, you’re a true gentleman who can sweep women right off their feet with your captivating charm and chivalry. You are a responsible citizen who takes necessary steps in order to make things better for the people around you. You’re the prodigal son who has returned to safeguard its country. You’re a leader, the one who is always willing to take a stand no matter how dire the consequences might be; a superhero disguised as a common man.

Next time you bump into your favorite superhero, don’t hesitate and ask, “Got room?” Let’s leave poor Spidey alone though!

Originally published at blog.guesthouser.com on July 13, 2015.

