Modern Samurai Swords

Samurai Swords
2 min readNov 23, 2017


The Samurais are none other than the noble class of warriors of feudal Japan. They carried different types of swords to the battlefield and have won a large number of them. The swords that they used at different points in time were collectively called as the Samurai swords of which the Katan and the wakizashi are considered the most popular. However, all the different types of swords used by the Samurais are available with dealers of swords and they try to cater to the collectors and the martial arts enthusiasts by supplying authentic samurai swords to them at affordable prices.

Avoiding fakes
The Samurai swords are so popular that there is a huge demand for these swords. It is really very difficult to lay your hands on an antique piece, which is one a collector of swords would love to have. But since the swords are considered dear by the Japanese and they pass it on from one generation to another and are retained with reverence by them. You will hardly find an antique samurai sword for sale. This makes the modern swords the only source to satiate the people who wish to own authentic samurai swords. But the popularity of the Japanese swords has made it susceptible to fakes and swords of substandard quality. It is necessary to know about the features of the real swords as well as to research and learn about the authentic dealers of modern swords to avoid fakes.

Features of modern samurai swords

• The modern swords including the Ninjato are made only with carbon steels of high quality as well as carbon steel alloys

• The authentic samurai swords almost always feature a full tang construction where the tail of the blade passes internally right to the tip of the blade.

• The blades are folded and forged just like it was done in ancient times, though you might also find a few monosteel blades at relatively lesser prices.

• The modern swords can be customized and you can personalize them by getting your initials engraved on the blade.

• You can protect the blade of the authentic samurai swords of modern times by electroplating them.

• The modern swords are heat treated to enhance the properties of the steel used as well as to develop a differentially hardened edge and body with a distinct hamon.

• The modern samurai swords are durable and functional and are fit to be used for practice and repeated cutting tests.

