String theory-Only theory which is mathematically possible

Jul 2, 2024


Till now probably most of the theories are mathematical impossible as they at a point somewhere prove 2+2=5

String theory only remains consistent with 2+2=4

It proposes subatomic particles, like electron proton neutrons are made up of strings, like the string of a guitar which vibrate and thus each vibrate and convert into each other from electron to neutron and proton and vice versa.

It opens up the future for time machines and time travel.

String theory has its challenges -

It applies only to 10-dimensional space — 4 which we know(3(x,y,z & Time), and six we don't know or can't observe because they are tiny. The 4 spaces are hologram projections of 10 spaces.

It can’t be tested although progress has been started to test it.

The God’s Equation-

