San Francisco Public Library Hosts Transgender “Art Exhibit” Featuring Weapons Intended to Kill Feminists

Deep Green Resistance
4 min readMay 1, 2018


Featured image: Display case of weapons at San Francisco Library

by GenderTrender

If you thought the age of scold’s bridles and dunking pools designed to torture and kill disobedient women were a thing of the past, you would be wrong. The San Francisco Public Library unveiled an exhibit this week featuring blood stained t-shirts encouraging patrons to “punch” feminists, along with several installations of deadly weapons painted pink: baseball bats covered in barbed wire, axes, among others, all designed by men to kill feminist women.

More weapons to be used against women who harbor what the designers call “oppressive belief-sets” against males, defined in the accompanying literature as lesbians.

The male creators of the exhibit also included a helpful manifesto, blaming lesbians, feminists and other uppity women for causing more deaths (by “harassing” men with their dastardly opinions!) than all the actual real murders committed by violent men.

The display, launched mere days after the mass murder of women in Toronto by “incel” terrorist Alek Minassian and echoing his philosophy, was funded by the non-profit Friends of The San Francisco Public Library and created by The Degenderettes, led by Scout Tran Caffee, founder of Trans Dykes: the anti-lesbian Antifa. The group specifically targets lesbians as “oppressors” of men -because they exclude males from their dating pools. The men in the group identify as transgender and consider themselves to be male lesbians.

Materials include riot shields inscribed with the slogan “Die Cis Scum.” Cis is a transgender community term, generally used as a slur, for non-transgender people.

From the exhibit manifesto:

“The Degenderettes are a humble and practical club, fighting for gender rights within human reach rather than with legislation and slogans. Their agit-prop artwork has come to permeate internet trans culture, national television, and headlines as far as Germany.” (From the San Francisco Public Library website.)

Posted at the exhibition, MRA/incel complaints of “reverse sexism”: The fact that violence against feminists and lesbians is considered more likely to be perpetrated by males (as evidenced by all crime statistics worldwide throughout human history) is a conclusion that discriminates against men. Hmm. Never seen that one before. (sarcasm). Explicitly states that acknowledging male violence against women is “anti-transgender.”

Followed by bizarre claims that feminists “induce suicides” of men and threaten to kill them.

Posted at the exhibit. Part one.

Part two.

The largely heterosexual “heteroqueer” group’s claim that they created the slogan “Your Apathy Is Killing Us” in the wake of the Pulse Nightclub shooting is incorrect. It was created by gay male Reagan era AIDS activists who were fighting for their literal lives demanding medical treatment for a deadly epidemic.

The Degenderettes slogan “Die Cis Scum” was popularized in 2012 by transgender White Nationalist “Char The Butcher”.

Char The Butcher (Clinton James Crawford) 2012

The San Francisco Public Library has scheduled a panel discussion for the “artists” to discuss their exhibit on Saturday May 12, from 2:00–4:00pm at the LGBTQIA Center, Main Library, 100 Larkin St.

Panel participants:

Mya “I Punch TERFS” Byrne (Jeremiah Birnbaum)

Gender-conforming “NonBinary” and heterosexual but “queer identified” Wedding Photographer Tristan Crane

“Male butch dyke” Uriah Ezri Sayres Cantrell

“Consent culture” activist married to an alleged sexual predator Kitty Stryker

Scout Tran Caffee

with moderation by Mason Smith.

Following complaints and negative feedback on social media, on April 25th the San Francisco Public Library removed the T-shirt that called on patrons to punch feminists:

“Due to concerns raised by library patrons, we are altering the degenderettes antifa art exhibit at the Main Library to remove a shirt, a piece of artwork that could be interpreted as promoting violence, which is incompatible with our exhibitions policy.”

At the time this report was published, the weapons as well as the anti-feminist and homophobic materials remain.



Deep Green Resistance

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