Boob’s job

2 min readMar 28, 2018

Since I was 12 years old. I have carried these two loaves of fat on my chest, wrapped them in lacy bras, hidden them under multiple shawls.. Covered them up so you wouldn’t feel Un-sanskari..

The entire life purpose of a boob is to someday feed a baby or more. And you want me to consider your petty mindedness while fulfilling this boob’s life purpose? Go fuck yourself.

Dear fellow Mama,
Feed for as long as you many times your baby wants.. You can’t spoil a half formed, innocent little ball of love in any way possible. Why don’t you try?

After finally stopping breastfeeding or ‘weaning’ as they call it. I can tell you that it’s the biggest tool a mom could have. It’s a guard against diseases and nightmares all the same; breastfeeding also protects you, the mama against breast cancer (As a doctor told me).

On top of that, has anyone ever stopped anyone from eating in public? Why this attitude towards a baby eating? How would you feel if I asked you to eat in the toilet? Or eat with the door closed? Or cover your entire face under a dupatta while you eat? Hypocrites, I tell you. Don’t let anyone come in between fulfilling that boob’s job.




Artist mom who used to design. Now just cleans boogers.