Comfort in anonymity and slow living

1 min readFeb 7, 2019


I have lived in a big city all my life. Now I live in a smaller city.

Mumbai. A warm blanket of anonymous comfort wraps you up and you become invisible. Takes the pressure off. Let’s you be yourself.

The wave of people strikes you and sweeps you with it. You swim in it, even float sometimes. Enjoying being buried at the bottom like a treasure.

In a small city, you live slowly. People don’t honk, they give way. Red lights are not needed because people have not lost all sanity.

Soon enough the isolation gets to you. You are so un-special. No one notices you.

You were out to make a dent in the universe and all you managed was to sit on bird shit.

Then, soon enough your own voice takes over. Your thoughts become larger and get more space to take over, now that there are no big city distractions. You start feeling that you are too important to the world.

And then it’s time to restock big city anxiety again.




Artist mom who used to design. Now just cleans boogers.