How to save water in an Indian household

2 min readNov 16, 2018


The water situation in our country is bad. Very bad.

This morning I happen to read the curated facts by @surekhapillai on storify. There was a list in there about how to save water at home, but it was too non-India centric so I made a list of my own.

Here are some ways you can save water at home especially in a typically Indian household (please feel free to comment if you have more suggestions, and I would add it here):

1. Collect rejected RO water and water plants or use in Pochcha.

2. Take 3 minute showers. Get wet, shampoo, rinse. Bonus points for turning off the shower while shampooing.

2a. Use balti/ bucket for bathing instead. Super green way to have a bath and we have been doing it for eons now.

3. Wash Veggies/ fruits in a big container/ balti all together for at least the initial rinse or soak them for a bit. This will get the dust and pesticides (If you don’t eat organic already) off more efficiently

4. Fill up water in all the bisleri/ aquafina bottles you have lying around and store them in the fridge.

5. Don’t let the water tap run while you brush or shave. Keep a cup or glass in the washroom to be used.

6. Get the car cleaner to use a bucket and ban all pipes and hoses.

7. Use a bucket and a mug to water your plants.

8. The rejected water from your air conditioner could be collected and used to clean balconies etc. You would have to plan for the outlet pipes to do so from the installation stage though.

9. Replace any electric devices older than 10 years (washing machines/ RO/ aquaguards) They are costing you more money than you think they are. The new appliances are much more energy efficient and consume much less water.

10. Install water alarms so overhead tanks do not overflow without an alarm. Alternatively, automatic sensors for your water pump is a great investment on peaceful sleep where water timings are erratic. (contributed by @jasuja )

11. Check for leaking valves in WC tanks. Water is lost in liters via trickles that you miss. Small check ,big saving. (contributed by @jasuja )

12. If you have help to wash clothes, keep the water from rinsing/last wash for poccha | keep a bucket+mug for hand wash (contributed by @jasuja )




Artist mom who used to design. Now just cleans boogers.