A Simple Way of Communicating: Effective Communication

Deepika Pareek
4 min readApr 26, 2024


Effective Communication

The most complicated thing in life is how to be simple. Simpler things are hard to find, and remaining simple is harder. We humans have an inbuilt feature to complicate everything.

For instance, it isn’t difficult to communicate with another person if we make the effort. The language barrier is always there if we communicate with a person from another region, state, or country, or if the other person doesn’t speak or understand our spoken language. Still, we manage to communicate effectively, so why do we complicate such simple basics in our lives?

One of the reasons why we sometimes fail to communicate effectively is pre-assuming that the other person will understand, even if we make minimum to zero communication, or overly communicate with them, or converse in circles without actually breaching the actual topic.

Effective communication requires clear and concise communication. There are many ways in which a person obstructs clear and concise communication.

Reasons for having ineffective communication:

  1. The topmost reason is the unnecessary use of complicated words and jargon. If a person is familiar with the jargon or difficult words, it is okay to use them. But every other person will not understand them, and our presumption that the other person must have such knowledge is wrong. So use them wisely.
  2. Another reason is communicating regarding a particular subject without breaching the concerned topic. Such hovering communication often leads to sending off the wrong information and miscommunication, which usually results in outcomes other than the one intended.
  3. Minimum communication often leads to ineffective communication. If one fails to provide all the necessary information in the communication, the receiver is left to conclude on their own with the communicated information as per their interpretation skills.
  4. Overcommunication is also one of the reasons for ineffective communication. If one fills the other person with extra information, it often tends to confuse them.
  5. The tone in which the communication is made. The tone of the communication impacts the outcome of the communication.

Ineffective communication can result from a variety of different factors in addition to the ones listed above. On analysing the failed outcome, we can spot the marks where the intended communication lost its track, and it can be rectified to avoid such incidences in the future.

There are many ways in which we can avoid the complications of ineffective communication; some of them are:

  1. Clear and concise communication is all we need to have effective communication. When all the required information is provided clearly and simply, the outcome is always what is intended.
  2. The use of simple language. Communicating using simple language always gives the desired outcome. Irrespective of the communication mode considered.
  3. Use of tone. The tonality of the communication often impacts how the receiver interprets the communication.
  4. Know your audience before initiating the communication. Knowing your audience will help you decide on the communication mode and alter the communication according to your intended audience to achieve the desired outcomes.
  5. Keep your communication short, precise, and to the point. The audience starts to lose interest after a certain point. Keeping the information short, and to the point will help your audience understand and retain the required information.
  6. Selecting the optimum mode of communication plays a vital role in effective communication. Written communication is effective in cases where communication is based on expectations, as it allows the reader time to analyse, process, and question it. Written communication acts as a reference book.
  7. Learning to take feedback in stride is part of effective communication. Loopholes are part of every communication, and because interpretation differs from person to person, feedback provides the opportunity to learn and understand and to rectify the errors.
  8. Whenever the opportunity presents itself for a face-to-face conversation, take it up. Face-to-face conversations have a different feel as compared to other forms of communication. It provides a perfect opportunity to communicate effectively and get immediate feedback.
  9. Holding eye contact with your audience helps you know whether the message has been communicated or not.

Communicating effectively is not a one-way road; for communication to be effective, a communicator must not only possess an impressive delivery, but the communicator must also be an active listener. An active listener is the one who actually listens to the other person. What actually listening means:

  1. Patience is the key.
  2. To hear without any judgment.
  3. A listener does not start formulating an answer or piece of advice while the speaker is still speaking.
  4. Listen without letting your emotions cloud your thoughts.
  5. Avoid zoning out.
  6. Interrupt politely and ask questions.
  7. Engage in healthy discussion.
  8. Hold eye contact.

Clear, precise, and concise is the way to communicate effectively. Know your audience, select the appropriate mode of communication, be open to discussion, ask for feedback, and listen actively to communicate effectively. We all can enhance our communication skills; what we need is some learning and polishing.



Deepika Pareek

Curious, observer, and writer, I love to write about life in general.