N.Y. State of Mind

2 min readMar 9, 2018


Introducing Dessa to NYC

Next week kicks off a great new adventure at Dessa (formerly DeepLearni.ng). This spring, we’ll be setting up an outpost in Manhattan, introducing our mission and work to a whole new set of American companies.

How are we getting there? Alongside some great tech companies including Flybits and League, we’ve been selected as one of the members of the Canadian Technology Accelerator (CTA) NYC cohort for spring 2018. In years past, Canadian tech luminaries like Wealthsimple have taken part, so we’re definitely in good company.

Heading to New York is also a symbolic move for our team. These days, everything we’ve been doing as a company has revolved around thinking bigger. When it comes to building AI for businesses around the world, we want to run the game.

Our mindset has paid off with a series of recent triumphs: we recently joined the Vector Institute. Partnered with NVIDIA, we recently became the first international company to join their new network of deep learning vendors for enterprise. We’ve also grown our team rapidly, and were named AI Company of the Year for 2017. Our team’s boldness has been behind all of these wins, but the best thing is our work is only getting started. Setting up shop in New York, we’ll be devoting our time to even bigger thinking.

When it comes to AI and boldness, there’s also a bigger story at play. Canada is having its AI moment right now, but time will tell if it’s ours to keep. The problem boils down to this: if we want to win our chance to lead AI, we have to think more boldly. We have to be less Canadian — less nice — if we want to show the world the true impact that our work is capable of. Teaming up with the CTA’s spring 2018 cohort, we’ll strive to bring back a no-holds-barred way of doing business back to the Canadian border.

Going to NYC is a fantastic opportunity. While there, we plan to make sure New York City knows the strength of Canada’s tech companies, and most importantly, share with their business leaders new ways of translating AI’s potential into powerful business value.

In NYC and want to get in touch? We’d love to meet. Send us a line by email at deploy@dessa.com and tell us what you’re thinking.

Not in NYC but want to keep track of what we’re up to? Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @Dessa.

