DeepMine Metaverse Worldbuilding. Episode 1: “Areas”

4 min readMay 31, 2022


It’s dark.

It’s empty.

It’s cold.

The Universe as we know it doesn’t exist anymore.

Those who remembered the prosperous times of planets and civilizations are long gone.

Their tales are now legends.

They are in such a stark contrast with the reality that perhaps they are mere dreams.

The reality is doom and gloom.

One planet is left to float in this vast deserted, desperate space.

Eleazar — the only realm left for humankind.

Episode 1: “Areas”


Eleazar — the central hub of the DeepMine Metaverse — is a secluded, cold planet. Life there is a never-ending fight for resources, which are extremely scarce. In fact, the planet’s Core is the sole source of energy left.

Eleazar is divided into 1000 areas where citizens will build mines to extract energy. These locations vary in rarity and characteristics, which affect the efficiency of DeepMine Energy (DME) production.


The area is central to the game economics. Within the DeepMine ecosystem, the area is an NFT representing a location where the mine is built. The owner of this NFT is called the Landlord.

Landlords are managers of areas. Land management is a highly important role, which comes with lots of responsibilities and decision-making. Clearly, this task can’t be monopolized. That’s why the Government divided the planet’s surface into 1000 areas managed by respectable citizens.

The DeepMine Energy in-game token is distributed over areas. The player’s goal is to get tokens from mines located in areas. Each area can have up to 100 mines set in special slots.

At the start of the game, though, only up to 10 mine slots are available for each area. The Landlord’s challenge is to have profitable mines: those which can mine the most DMEs. Therefore, the Landlord must be very smart in choosing the Mine Owner for contracting.

The Mine Owner has a team of up to 20 players who work in the mine under the contract (Contractors). During the lifetime of its functioning, each mine pays a fee to the Landlord.

To increase the number of available mines, the Landlord has to collaborate with another player — the Geologist. The latter is responsible for discovering and providing additional mine slots.

Keep in mind

Collaborations and interactions between players are vital for the game’s progress. The community will reach its ultimate goal only by helping and supporting its members.


  • Each area has Depth Levels from 0 to 9. Mines work differently depending on the depth: the deeper the level, the more DME is minable, all else equal.
  • Areas have 5 types of rarity: common, uncommon, rare, epic and legendary. The higher the rarity, the more advanced characteristics the area has.
  • Areas have distinct characteristics, which specify their mining performance and efficiency. For example: Saturation is responsible for the DME token distribution over each area and each depth level; Mining Difficulty affects the duration of the mining event; Mining Efficiency influences the amount of minable DME).


The process of DME tokens generation is called Ejection. It occurs every 20–28 hours. Ejection has a dedicated system of calculation and generates tokens based on the in-game activity of all players.

After generation, DME is distributed to each area and to each depth level of a given location. This process is called Saturation, and it works in such a way that the token is available only in those areas and depth levels where the mining is carried on. The more actively the DME is mined, the more of it will appear the next day.

Important to know

At the moment, 500 area packs have been released. The remaining 500 areas will be distributed to players gradually through auctions, sweepstakes and other activities.

Area NFT secondary market is here.

Read more detailed information about the game in our blueprint.

The DeepMine team will be glad to answer your questions!

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DeepMine is the NFT-based Sci-Fi Metaverse Strategy Game with DAO, an open market, and evolving storyline: