DeepMine NFTs Early Use Case — The Staking Shelter

A way to utilize your NFTs before the game starts

2 min readNov 2, 2021

DeepMine is a modern economic strategy. The sophisticated economic system includes various DeFi mechanics, some of which will be available soon after the Genesis drop. Thus, the NFT assets you got on AtomicHub can serve you well while staked in the Staking Shelter. This is a great place to keep your sophisticated mining equipment safe, clean and dry until it can be installed in the mines and start producing some DME.

What you can do with assets before the game starts:

Stake NFTs in exchange for DMP (DeepMine Power which is an in-game governance token).

How it works

Please meet the DeepMine NFT Staking Shelter.

The Staking Shelter will be released in Q4 2021.

DeepMine Staking Shelter is a portal that will be deployed before the start of the game and will allow you to stake the assets purchased during the Genesis drop and on the secondary market.

In return for NFT staking, you will receive DMP tokens.

It will be possible to exchange the received DMP for the game assets in the Staking Shelter through auctions. Assets obtained this way can also be staked.

DMP Token


DMP (DeepMine Power token) is the governance token of the game, and it will be launched soon on several launchpads.

The starting emission of the DMP will be distributed among users, investors, for staking rewards and other in-game initiatives. Detailed DMP tokenomics will be presented later.

DMP pre-game role:

  • Serves as a reward for staking DeepMine NFTs;
  • Can be used to purchase Areas and other NFTs during the auctions.

DMP in-game role:

  • Serves as a source of DAO power;
  • Serves to fund the political parties and issue Senator passports;
  • Used as voting power to influence the course of the game;
  • Used to upgrade Areas by rarity;
  • Used to craft important in-game NFTs;
  • Wil be possible to stake into the portal (portal is one of the in-game entities) for rewards;
  • DMP can be generated by burning DME (DeepMine Energy in-game token) in the portal.

Staking release date

Q4 2021




DeepMine is the NFT-based Sci-Fi Metaverse Strategy Game with DAO, an open market, and evolving storyline: