Deep Nation
5 min readMay 12, 2024

Following the project’s announcement of a Token Generation Event (TGE) on April 27th, we regret to inform you that we are unable to proceed with the event as planned.
As you are aware, we have been collaborating with the BSCLaunch platform to conduct our Initial DEX Offerings (IDO) to date.
In January, we did our first IDO with BSCLaunch. Prior to the IDO, we contracted their advertising service, as per their recommendation, to enhance project visibility and attract more investors. This advertising service cost us several thousand dollars. The results were nonexistent, but our continuous efforts, regardless of the supposed effectiveness of the service, led to community growth and enabled us to successfully conduct our first IDO, raising approximately $31,000. Or so the platform indicated.

As this amount was insufficient to sustain the project’s development, we continued our efforts to secure additional funding through another financial round. We were aware that delaying the TGE could disappoint some investors, but the project’s viability was the main objective.
During this time, we have continued working hard, including:
• Developing an Alpha version of the game for public testing.
• Implementing marketing activities such as the making-of trailer to attract new investors and engage a wider audience.
• Reaching out to additional influencers and investment platforms, both private and public, to secure the necessary capital.
The TGE launch was scheduled for April 27th, just one month after the initial estimated deadline. However, an investor, not BSCLaunch, who had charged a significant amount for their services, informed us that the platform had issued a refund without our prior knowledge or consent. This unilateral action constituted a flagrant breach of contract.

After asking them for an explanation, they claimed it was an error on their part, stating that they would acknowledge a contract issue and repeat the IDO. While their organization’s performance was very poor during the first attempt, it was a complete disaster the second time around. We assumed that our fundraising capacity had been severely impacted and that we would barely collect any funds.

However, we were surprised when BSCLaunch representatives informed us that we had raised even more than the previous time, reaching a total of $45,000

This was a red flags for us. Consequently, we decided to verify the data’s authenticity. Following the blockchain’s traceability, we reached the platform’s deposit wallets (by making an investment ourselves to track the funds’ destination). We were astonished to find them completely empty. The first IDO had only raised around $1,000, and the second one, practically nothing.

All the data provided by the platform was false. Here we provide in Excel format the real registers.

We requested from BSCLaunch the list of investor wallets to provide a 5% bonus to those who had reinvested in the project, as we had previously announced. The list they provided, after delaying its delivery as much as possible, contained non-existent investment data. Completely false data again. The wallets provided do not correspond to the project (the transfers do not match either in dates or in amounts indicated by BSCLaunch).

When we asked the platform to explain the discrepancies in the data, they replied that they were private investors and provided no further information. It was logic. There was no further data to provide. It was all fabricated.

To avoid a he-said-she-said situation, we are providing the data for anyone to verify our claims. These are the links to BSCScan. Publicly accessible data. Data that supports our version of events, not BSCLaunch’s.

Comunity Pool:

Ranked Pool:

The worst part is that, when confronting their claims, they blamed us for not having liquidity to face the TGE. However, we had reduced the vesting from an initial 40% to 10%. Less liquidity needed on this time. Their only interest was for us to launch the TGE, liquidate all the liquidity contributed to the project and then make a fictitious “refund” to the investors for their discontent. In summary, in addition to keeping the initial money, they also wanted to keep the money contributed in liquidity. A round move on their part and a double scam.

In addition, the majority of the followers of their networks are bots.

Therefore, due to BSCLaunch’s fraudulent activities, we are compelled to temporarily suspend the project and advise any other team or investor to steer clear of this platform. Their goal is not to help new projects or attract investors but rather to engage in outright fraud and misappropriation of funds through false promises.

We deeply regret having to make this announcement, but we have been forced to do so due to circumstances beyond our control.

We would greatly appreciate it if you could help spread the word to prevent anyone else from entrusting their resources and hopes to BSCLaunch, as we have.

Thank you for your understanding.

If you want more information about BSClaunch’s fraudulent way of working, here I leave you information about other projects so you can do your own research.



Deep Nation

A new game concept where the real power resides in your skill and strategy