Basic starting guide to Axie Infinity (battle related)


This guide is was pieced together by taking information from different sources (links below) and gives almost all basic information about PvP and PvE for anyone who already owns axies and scholars.

What’s an Axie?

Axies are fantasy creatures that players can battle, collect, and raise.

Each Axie has different traits which determine their role in battle.


Each Axie has 4 stats, Health, Morale, Skill, and Speed.

Here’s what they do:

HP- The amount of damage your Axie can take before being knocked out.

Morale- Morale increases critical strike chance. It also makes entering last stand more likely and adds more last stand “ticks”.

Skill- Skill adds damage when an Axie plays multiple cards at once (combo). The extra damage is calculated like this: (card attack * skill )/ 500

Speed- Speed determines turn order. Faster Axies attack first. Speed also decreases an Axie’s chance of being the victim of a critical strike. If two Axies have the same speed, this is how attack order is determined: High speed > Low HP > High Skill > High Morale > Low Fighter ID


Each Axie has a class which is similar to the “types” from Pokemon. Each class is weak and strong against other classes. When calculating damage, the card class of the attacking move is compared to the Axie class of the defender. This means that a Bird card used to an attack a Beast Axie will deal 15% additional damage. A Beast card used to attack an Aquatic Axie will deal 15% less damage.

In addition, when an Axie of a certain class uses a card from its class it gets a 15% attack/shield bonus. For example, a Plant Axie playing a plant card will receive 15% extra attack/shield.

Important to note is that these bonuses stack. A Beast Axie using a Beast card against a Plant target will do 30% (15% + 15%) more damage.

Battle System Mechanics

The Axie battle system is turn-based card game where the goal is to eliminate all enemies your team of 3 Axies is facing. Each turn, a player must strategically play cards that maximize their chance of victory.


Each Axie has 4 cards which are dependent on the parts of the axie (back, mouth, horn and tail)

These ability cards decide whether a Axie is a tank (ie. defender/front-liner), damage dealer, support (focused on ‘helping’ with buffs/debuffs and heals) or something else.

From the picture above we get:

Back: Garish Worm -> Card: Barb strike

Mouth: Goda -> Card: Piercing Sound

Horn: Little Branch -> Card: Branch Charge

Tail: Rice -> Card: Night Steal

There are lots of other axie cards and you can get more information from


Certain cards work best when played other cards and some require you to play them with other cards to make use of their ability.

For example this card Vegetal Bite, when used on its own it only deals 30 damage and gives 50 shield in that round, but if you play it with another card (on the same axie) it will not only deal damage on attacking but also steal 1 energy point from the opponent, letting you use it for the next round. This puts the enemy at a disadvantage and gives a advantage at the same time.

This can allow you to use interesting and powerful combos on certain axies like the one below:

Now if you play Vegetal bite along with Disguise in the same round, you not only deal the damage from the cards but also steal one energy while generating one energy from Disguise as it is also a combo card.

This was simply one example there are plenty of other combos, one more common card combo is mentioned below often referred to as Rimp

Lets start with the card Ivory Stab (Part: Imp): This card will give you one energy point for every critical strike dealt by any of your axies in that round. (Critical strikes occur randomly when a axie attacks and multiply the damage of the attack by 2, higher moral leads to higher chance of critical strike)

The second card Single Combat (Part: Ronin): This card on its own deals pretty low damage (75) but when you combo it with 2 (or more) other cards it will give you a 100% chance of crit on this card which means this card will deal 150 damage.

Now lets say you play Ivory stab + Single Combat + Night steal(similar to vegetal bite)

You deal 70 + 150 (critical) + 90 for a total of 310 damage, gain 1 energy because of the critical strike and also steal one energy from the opponent.

You could also play it as 2 ivory stabs + 1 single combat or 2 single combats + 1 ivory stabs.

Note: You only steal energy if the opponent has energy saved, and you get guaranteed crit even if you play more than 3 cards.

There are many other combos and ways to use different cards, which is what makes this such an interesting game.

Certain cards provide buffs and debuffs when played you can find more information on that here:

Forming a team

When you start you won’t have a team and will have to create one using the Axies you have, and this is very important and is it necessary to properly position your Axies because even the best ones won’t perform without that.

Steps to create a team:

First go to teams from the main screen
To create New Team
Click on the plus sign to add Axie
Select Axie
Enter name and save team

The more common setup is in a line with the Tank (high hp and defense cards) in the front, the support (if any) in the middle and the glass cannons with low hp and high damage (like birds) in the back. But you can experiment and see what works best for you with your axies.

Earning Slp


One of the first things to keep in mind when grinding SLP is the Daily Quest.

Completing the Daily Quest earns you 50 SLP per day. To earn your 50 SLP, you will need to:

  • Complete the daily check in
  • Complete 10 Adventure mode levels (these can be the same level each time, it doesn’t matter.)
  • Win 5 Arena Matches.

For these wins you do not need playing energy and can be completed when you are out of energy as well.

PVP — Arena Mode

Based on your MMR rating, or number of trophies held, you earn different amounts of SLP per Arena win. The better you are, the more rewards you get. Please note that these are averages for the different MMR ranges, and that total SLP may fluctuate slightly from this number.

  • Under 800 - No SLP gained
  • 800–999 -1 SLP per win
  • 1000–1099 -3 SLP per win
  • 1100–1299 -7 SLP per win
  • 1300–1499 -8 SLP per win
  • 1500–1799 -9 SLP per win
  • 1800–1999 -10 SLP per win
  • 2000–2199 -11 SLP per win
  • 2200+ -12 SLP per win

PVE — Adventure Mode

Adventure mode is currently capped at 100 SLP per day. SLP is distributed based on the Level completed, however it is sort of random how much will drop. A good estimate for this is below:

  • Level 1–4: 1 SLP per win
  • Level 5–9: 2 SLP per win
  • Level 10–14: 4 SLP per win
  • Level 15–16: 6 SLP per win
  • Level 17–20: Random between 6–10 SLP per win
  • Level 21–36: Random between 10–20 SLP per win

It’s also worth noting that SLP drops go down after the first time you play the level that day — so while you can earn rewards, its never as high as the first time you play it that day.

Note: You do not need playing energy to gain slp in adventure mode (using playing energy mode gives you exp which can level up your axie and help you play further in adventure mode, the exp DOES NOT affect your PvP gameplay) Also, you don’t need playing energy to complete daily quest. And you can keep playing Arena without playing energy without Slp rewards but you do gain/loss MMR.

A lot of the information in this post is taken from other guides/articles and cut down.

These are the sources:

Have fun!

