Breaking a Negative Thought.

2 min readMay 3, 2022


Since I have started living my life consciously, I have noticed more and more people living unconsciously. I was one of them, didn’t know how the mind and thoughts work together, how the images our thoughts build in our mind reflects in the real life, I never noticed the pattern. It is sad how we let these thoughts destroy our life without even noticing. We are more engaged in looking for the power of money instead of the power of mind, blaming the God when it is within ourselves, giving u the power to create. It doesn't matter what you want to create at this point, it is the first step we need to prioritize which is breaking the Negative thought, which disturbs the loop of positive thoughts and confuses our mind what we want with life. I am going to share what one of my friend who is a psychiatrist told me about breaking these thoughts, give this a try incase you need to.

The first step will be noticing a negative thought, anything that you don't want but comes into your mind as a thought, you need to pause at that point of second and realize that its a thought that needs to be erased.

The second step is to apply the logic to the thought, half of the time we are over thinking something that is not even there, but let me tell you how dangerous it is piling up these thoughts, the number of time it comes and go, the more chances you are creating for it to be created in the real life. So the next time it comes, notice it and then think logically if it can happen or cannot, half of the time it will be 50/50.

The third step is to answer your own questions, These thoughts are asking for answers, if provided at the right time, the solution is achieved. Talk with your thoughts like yeah can it happen or not, if can what solutions you can come up with, make more options to ease the thought. You wont even notice when these thoughts will stop coming. You just need to answer your own questions.

