Concept Art For Discarded Blizzard Game “Titan” Revealed!

2 min readNov 12, 2017


Alright, history lesson time. Blizzard was working hard on making new games, and one of their ideas was to make a “next-gen MMO”, one that would even make World of Warcraft be tame, ok? It was called Titan. So, they spent years on this, literal years, but in the end, it just wasn’t coming along like they wanted to. So, they scrapped the project, and from it came the hit game that you all know called Overwatch. Any trace of Titan was left behind…until now.

For Imgur has gotten a look at some of the concept art made for the game, and it’s thus been leaked online for all to see.

What’s immediately apparent is just how much influence this game had over the final development of Overwatch. Sure, Titan was turned into Overwatch, but you never know how much one failed project affects another until you see art like this. Heck, just look at the feature image above! It’s a point-for-point mock-up of what Overwatch later did! Now…as for what they didn’t do…

Above you’ll see various characters and classes that were meant to be in the game. Some of them you’ll instantly recognize, including a few with their soon-to-be actual names like Symmetra. But others aren’t what you know, and it’s clear what some of them became. And…you can also see some that honestly don’t fit into what Overwatch became…like Mama Hong (though it should be noted that the Overwatch Reddit thread is in love with her, just saying).

So, what does this all add up to? Well, it’s a fascinating look at what Blizzard was planning to do, and what it all ended up as. Are they better for going the Overwatch route? Well, probably, as they said themselves they don’t think they could’ve fixed Titan, and Overwatch’s fame and popularity speaks for itself.

It does make you wonder though..what could the game have been if it got completed? Also…are any of the characters we see above eventually coming to Overwatch? You never know…

