Is Star Wars: The Old Republic too “Easy”?

2 min readOct 5, 2017


Video games appeal to people on many levels, not the least of which is that they engage people on numerous levels. From sights, to sounds, to experience, players love diving into games to see what happens. However, there are some things that gamers dread in video games. They dread the possibility that they could be bad, or not live up to the hype. They also fear the possibility that the game will be too easy, and offer no challenge. A returning player to Star Wars: The Old Republic is feeling this right now.

Redditor uncafeaulait is the author of this tale, and it’s a very intriguing one. You see, he started playing Star Wars: The Old Republic in its opening months, and worked hard to get to level 50 in the game. But then he stopped playing. Fast-forward to now, he’s married, and decided to bring his wife into the game. He was prepared for a struggle, but it didn’t happen…

While his wife took up a DPS (damage per second) character, he decided to be a healer to ensure that she stayed alive no matter what. But, turns out, she never needed to be healed. Not because she never got hurt, but the game was so easy that it never required her to be healed in battle. Despite this, they continued playing the game, until she got to level 19, and was bored with the title. The easiness of the game perplexed him, so he asked his fellow Redditors a simple question:

“When did this game become easy?”

Naturally, Reddit had many answers for him. Some say it was always this way, and he didn’t notice. Others gave specific times, like after The Force Awakened released (when they were trying to lure in more players), and some think it’s because he’s a subscription player, and that the struggle is very real for F2P people.

What do you think? Is the game too easy at present?

