The Burari Case Study

Deeptanshu halikhed
3 min readMay 18, 2022


Hello readers,
Welcome back to another blog after a really long time. This blog is about The Burari case study which is about the mass suicide of 11 family members from Burari, Delhi in 2018. 10 members of the family were hanged while the oldest family member was strangled to death The Burari case study is divided into 3 chapters.

Chapter 1 — What led to this act.
Chapter 2 — The act.
Chapter 3 — scenario after the act.

Chapter 1

Before knowing the actual reason behind this act, let me tell you about the Bhatia family’s background. The eldest member of the family was Narayan Devi who was 75 years old, she had two sons and a daughter, the first son was named Bhavnesh Bhatia who was 50 years old, and the second son was Lalit Bhatia who was 45 years old and the oldest amongst them was the daughter Pratibha who was 57 years old.
Bhavnesh Bhatia and his wife Savita had 3 children, 2 daughters, and 1 son.
Lalit Bhatia and his wife Teena had just one son.
And Pratibha had just one daughter

The reason behind this act was Narayan Devi’s husband Gopal Das who died in 2007. After the death of Gopal Das, Narayan Devi’s son Lalit Bhatia started to act weird. He often told the family members that Gopal Das’s soul had entered his body. After the death of Gopal Das, there were a few financial issues, and Lalit came forward and resolved the issues he also said that his father Gopal Das was helping him. Gopal Das had served the army and people started saying that Lalit Bhatia had started acting like Gopal Das.

6 years later, Lalit Bhatia has come across an accident, Lalit owned a plywood store where one day a ply fell on his head, after this accident Lalit Bhatia lost the ability to speak. And the Bhatias tried their best to help Lalit, and the doctors said that Lalit has permanently lost the ability to speak. After this, even the family members stopped his treatment. A few months passed by out of nowhere Lalit Bhatia regained his ability to speak, he claimed that last night his father Gopal Das had appeared in his dreams and helped him regain his ability to speak. A few days passed by Lalit Bhatia started talking some baseless stuff and the family members used to listen to Lalit.

Lalit everyday morning told the family members to stand straight which helps in their mental health. Lalit got 11 pipes fixed in such a way that they were coming out of the wall, the contractor said that Lalit asked him to fix the pipes in that way because it would help in the ventilation. The house gate also had 11 rods and surprisingly the family also had 11 members. Since Lalit has resolved many issues the family members started following his words blindly.

Now Lalit took his wife Teena’s help in order to convince the family members for a sacred ritual that would help them meet Gopal Das. He also mentioned that Gopal Das would help them to resolve all their issues.

This is all about Chapter 1 the reason that led to this act. The next chapter will be the next blog. In the next blog, we’ll discuss the ‘sacred ritual’.
Till then keeping awesome.
Signing off
Deeptanshu Halikhed

