A Guide to Test-Driven Development (TDD) with Real-World Examples

Exploring the Advantages and Comparing TDD with BDD: Practical Examples Highlighting Different Approaches

Denis Peganov
7 min readJun 6, 2023

Table of contents

What is TDD
- Concept and Benefits of TDD
- The TDD Cycle: Red, Green and Refactor
- Better Code Design and Maintainability with TDD
- Focus and Scope
- Language and Terminology
- Test Scenarios and Collaboration
- Test Coverage and Levels
- Design and Documentation
- Tooling and Frameworks
TDD best practices
Writing Independent and Isolated Tests
- Techniques for Isolating Dependencies
- TDD and SOLID Principles
TDD in Real-World Java Projects
Case Studies and Examples of Successful TDD Adoption
- Challenges Faced and Benefits Gained from Practicing TDD
- Frameworks and Libraries that Support TDD in the Java Ecosystem

What is TDD

Test-Driven Development (TDD) is a software development approach that emphasizes writing tests before writing the actual code. The core idea behind TDD is to ensure that every piece of code is thoroughly tested, leading to higher code quality and reliability. TDD follows a simple and iterative cycle, often referred to as the “red-green-refactor” cycle.

Concept and Benefits of TDD

  • TDD focuses on writing automated tests that specify the desired behavior of the code before implementing the code itself.
  • By writing tests first, developers gain a clear understanding of what needs to be implemented and how it should behave.
  • TDD reduces the likelihood of introducing bugs and allows for faster detection and resolution of issues.
  • It provides a safety net for making changes to the code by ensuring that existing functionality remains intact.
  • TDD encourages modular and loosely coupled code, leading to improved maintainability and easier refactoring.

The TDD Cycle: Red, Green and Refactor

  • Red: In the initial “Red” phase, the developer writes a failing test case that highlights the desired behavior not yet implemented.
  • Green: In the “Green” phase, the developer writes the minimum amount of code necessary to pass the test.
  • Refactor: In the “Refactor” phase, the developer improves the code without changing its behavior. This step enhances the design, removes duplication and improves maintainability.

Better Code Design and Maintainability with TDD

  • TDD encourages developers to focus on writing code that is modular, testable and adheres to SOLID principles.
  • Writing tests before implementation promotes a clear separation of concerns and a more modular codebase.
  • By constantly refactoring the code, TDD helps eliminate duplication and improves the overall design.
  • The iterative nature of TDD encourages incremental development and better code evolution over time.
  • The comprehensive test suite built through TDD provides a safety net for making changes, ensuring that existing functionality remains intact.


Focus and Scope

  • TDD primarily focuses on testing the behavior of individual units of code, such as methods or classes. It aims to verify the correctness of the code at a granular level.
  • BDD focuses on testing the behavior of the system as a whole from the perspective of end-users or stakeholders. It aims to ensure that the system behaves correctly in various scenarios.

Language and Terminology

  • TDD uses technical and implementation-specific terminology. Tests are written using programming languages like Java and the emphasis is on writing assertions and test cases that verify the correctness of the code.
  • BDD promotes a shared understanding between technical and non-technical team members. It uses a domain-specific language (DSL) that focuses on business-readable scenarios. Terminology like “Given-When-Then” is commonly used to describe system behavior.

Test Scenarios and Collaboration

  • Test scenarios in TDD are typically written by developers, focusing on technical aspects. Collaboration primarily happens within the development team.
  • BDD encourages collaboration between developers, testers and business stakeholders. Test scenarios are written collaboratively using a shared language, facilitating better communication and understanding among team members.

Test Coverage and Levels

  • TDD focuses on unit testing, aiming to test individual units of code in isolation. It ensures high test coverage at the unit level.
  • BDD covers different levels of testing, including unit, integration and acceptance testing. It aims to verify the behavior and interaction of various components in the system.

Design and Documentation

  • TDD promotes a bottom-up design approach, where the design evolves based on writing tests and implementing code. Tests serve as documentation for the behavior of individual units.
  • BDD emphasizes a top-down design approach, where high-level scenarios drive the design and implementation. Scenarios serve as living documentation that captures the expected behavior of the system.

Tooling and Frameworks

  • TDD is often associated with testing frameworks like JUnit and mocking frameworks like Mockito, which provide support for writing and executing unit tests.
  • BDD frameworks, such as Cucumber or JBehave, provide tools and libraries to write executable specifications and facilitate the collaboration between technical and non-technical team members.

It’s worth noting that TDD and BDD are not mutually exclusive and can complement each other in the software development process. TDD focuses on verifying the correctness of code at a granular level, while BDD focuses on verifying the behavior of the system as a whole from a user’s perspective. The choice between TDD and BDD depends on the specific needs, scope and collaboration dynamics of the project.

TDD best practices

Writing Independent and Isolated Tests

  • Independent tests ensure that each test case can run on its own without relying on the state or outcome of other tests. This improves test reliability and maintainability.
  • Isolated tests should not depend on external resources, such as databases or network services, to avoid test failures caused by external factors. Techniques like mocking and stubbing can help achieve isolation.

Techniques for Isolating Dependencies

  • Mocking
    It involves creating fake objects that mimic the behavior of real dependencies. Mocks allow you to isolate the code under test and control the responses of dependencies during testing.
  • Stubbing
    Stubs are simplified versions of dependencies that provide predetermined responses. Stubs can be used to simulate specific scenarios and make the tests more focused and predictable.
  • Dependency Injection
    By using dependency injection, you can inject mock objects or stubs into the code being tested, allowing you to easily replace real dependencies with fakes for testing purposes.

TDD and SOLID Principles

SOLID principles (Single Responsibility, Open/Closed, Liskov Substitution, Interface Segregation, Dependency Inversion) are design principles that promote maintainable and flexible code.

TDD aligns well with SOLID principles. By following TDD, you naturally tend to create smaller, focused units of code that adhere to the single responsibility principle. TDD encourages writing tests for specific behaviors, making it easier to refactor and extend code without impacting existing functionality (Open/Closed principle). Through the use of interfaces and dependency injection, TDD supports the Dependency Inversion principle, enabling flexible and testable code.

It’s important to remember that TDD is an iterative process and these best practices evolve over time. Applying these practices consistently can help improve the quality, maintainability and testability of your codebase. Additionally, exploring other practices like continuous integration, code coverage analysis and test refactoring can further enhance your TDD workflow.

TDD in Real-World Java Projects

Case Studies and Examples of Successful TDD Adoption

  • The Apache Tomcat project
    The Apache Tomcat team extensively practices TDD. They write tests before implementing new features or fixing bugs, which has contributed to the stability and reliability of the project.
  • JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA
    JetBrains, the company behind IntelliJ IDEA, is known for their strong adoption of TDD. They have attributed TDD to improved code quality, faster bug detection and increased developer productivity.
  • Spring Framework
    The Spring team follows TDD principles in their development process. They have witnessed benefits like increased code reliability, better maintainability and efficient collaboration among developers.

Challenges Faced and Benefits Gained from Practicing TDD

  • Initial Time Investment
    Adopting TDD requires a mindset shift and an initial time investment in writing tests before code. This can be a challenge for developers accustomed to writing tests after the implementation. However, the long-term benefits outweigh the initial overhead.
  • Learning Curve
    TDD might have a learning curve, especially for developers new to the approach. It takes time to understand writing effective tests and using tools and frameworks. Continuous practice and sharing knowledge within the team can help overcome this challenge.
  • Improved Code Quality
    TDD encourages writing focused and modular code, leading to improved code quality. It helps identify design flaws early, promotes cleaner code, reduces bugs and simplifies debugging and maintenance.
  • Faster Feedback Loop
    With TDD, developers receive immediate feedback on the correctness of their code through failing tests. This accelerates the development process, reduces the time spent on manual testing and increases overall productivity.

Frameworks and Libraries that Support TDD in the Java Ecosystem

  • JUnit is the de facto standard testing framework for Java and is widely used in TDD. It provides annotations, assertions and test runners to write and execute tests.
  • Mockito is a popular mocking framework for Java, often used in conjunction with JUnit. It allows you to create mock objects, stub behavior and verify interactions during testing.
  • TestNG is an alternative testing framework for Java, providing additional features like more flexible test configuration, parallel test execution and advanced test reporting.
  • Cucumber is a behavior-driven development (BDD) framework that promotes collaboration between technical and non-technical team members. It allows writing executable specifications in a human-readable format.

These examples, challenges and frameworks illustrate the real-world adoption of TDD in Java projects. It’s important to note that TDD is not a one-size-fits-all approach and its success depends on factors such as team collaboration, project complexity and the willingness to embrace a test-first mindset.


I hope this article has provided a comprehensive exploration of Test-Driven Development (TDD) in the context of Java projects. We began by explaining the core principles of TDD, including the red-green-refactor cycle which emphasizes writing tests before code implementation. We further compared TDD with Behavior-Driven Development (BDD), highlighting their distinct focuses and terminologies. By delving into best TDD practices, such as writing independent tests, utilizing techniques like mocking and stubbing, and adhering to SOLID principles, we emphasized the importance of code reliability, maintainability and flexibility.

To solidify the practicality of TDD, we observed the examples of its successful adoption in real-world Java projects. The Apache Tomcat project, JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA and Spring Framework are prominent examples that have reaped the benefits of TDD, including improved code quality, bug detection and developer productivity. These case studies serve as inspiration for readers to integrate TDD practices into their own projects, fostering a culture of robust testing, clean code and efficient development.

By understanding TDD’s fundamental principles, comparing it to BDD, embracing best practices and exploring real-world examples, you should be better “equipped” with the knowledge and motivation to effectively implement TDD in your Java projects. The adoption of TDD can lead to more reliable software, faster bug detection and enhanced collaboration among development teams.

Good luck! 🍀



Denis Peganov

Hey, I'm a QA Engineer dedicated to ensuring the quality of multiple products, and I'm passionate about sharing my expertise and insights with the community.