Crisis Prevention Intervention Training Near Me

Kelly Modine
8 min readFeb 20, 2024


If you are looking for CPI Certification the two best programs are:

Crisis Consultant Group certification — $139

Crisis Prevention Institute certification — $1,849

Crisis Prevention Intervention Training Near Me: A Comprehensive Guide

Crisis prevention intervention training equips professionals with the skills to safely and effectively respond to crisis situations. This training focuses on early intervention to prevent crises from occurring and de-escalation techniques to minimize harm when crises do arise. Crisis prevention intervention training is invaluable for healthcare workers, educators, law enforcement, and other professionals who regularly encounter individuals in crisis.

What is Crisis Prevention Intervention Training?

Crisis prevention intervention training teaches participants strategies for preventing and managing crisis situations. It provides professionals with the skills to:

  • Recognize the early warning signs of crisis
  • Employ verbal de-escalation techniques
  • Safely respond to disruptive, aggressive, or violent behavior
  • Reduce the need for physical intervention
  • Enhance relationships and build rapport with individuals in crisis

CPI utilizes an evidence-based, trauma-informed training model. The focus is on nonviolent crisis intervention by verbal and nonverbal means. Physical restraint is only used as an absolute last resort when someone poses an immediate danger to themselves or others.

Crisis Prevention Intervention Training equips professionals with strategies to defuse crises before they escalate. It promotes early intervention, emotional intelligence, and nonviolent solutions. This empowers staff to handle tense situations with confidence while prioritizing care, welfare, safety, and security.

The Benefits of Crisis Prevention Intervention Training

Crisis prevention intervention training delivers multiple benefits for organizations, staff members, and the individuals they serve:

Improved Safety and Care

  • Minimizes risk of harm for staff and consumers
  • Reduces injuries related to escalated behaviors
  • Lowers staff turnover rates
  • Increases confidence responding to crises
  • Promotes trauma-informed, person-centered care

Effective De-escalation

  • Enhances ability to defuse anger, anxiety, and agitation
  • Teaches effective verbal and nonverbal communication
  • Reduces need for restrictive interventions
  • Equips staff to apply de-escalation skills on the job

Increased Preparedness

  • Prepares staff to handle crisis situations
  • Improves crisis readiness at an organizational level
  • Reduces liability risks with comprehensive training
  • Provides certification and continuing education credits

Culture Change

  • Fosters a caring, nonviolent institutional culture
  • Encourages early intervention over emergency response
  • Strengthens therapeutic relationships between staff and consumers
  • Promotes confidence, resilience, and emotional intelligence

Core Components of Crisis Prevention Intervention Training

Crisis prevention intervention training covers a range of topics relevant for managing crisis situations across diverse settings:

CPI Crisis Development Model

The CPI Crisis Development Model illustrates how crisis situations escalate in predictable stages. Understanding these stages helps staff intervene early and effectively. The stages are:

  • Anxiety
  • Defensiveness
  • Acting Out
  • Tension Reduction

Integrated Experience

Participants gain firsthand experience applying CPI principles through scenario-based role plays. These simulations allow staff to practice verbal de-escalation skills in a safe learning environment.

Trauma-Informed Care

The training promotes a trauma-informed approach to care. This includes understanding how past trauma impacts reactions and behaviors during crisis events.

Verbal De-escalation

Staff learn specific verbal strategies to defuse volatile situations. These include active listening, appropriate body language, vocal tone, validating feelings, redirecting focus, assurance statements, and more.

Professional Assault Response Training

CPI teaches professionals how to remain calm and use approved techniques if physically attacked. The goal is resolving the situation with minimal harm.

Postvention and Containment Strategies

Postvention involves providing care after a crisis to help the individual stabilize. Containment limits the physical movement of an extremely agitated person when necessary to maintain safety.

Documentation and Legal Considerations

Proper documentation protects both individuals and staff after crises. The training reviews legal standards for restraint, seclusion, and crisis intervention.

Who Should Attend Crisis Prevention Intervention Training?

Crisis prevention intervention training certification is valuable for professionals across sectors, including:

  • Mental health: psychologists, counselors, case managers, psychiatrists, etc.
  • Healthcare: nurses, CNAs, patient care techs, hospital security, EMTs, etc.
  • Education: teachers, administrators, school counselors, school psychologists, etc.
  • Law enforcement: police officers, corrections officers, probation officers, etc.
  • Human services: residential counselors, social workers, rehab specialists, etc.
  • Community services: shelter staff, youth counselors, group home staff, etc.
  • Security: loss prevention officers, hospital security officers, private security guards

Any professional who routinely interacts with individuals experiencing crisis will benefit from CPI training. It provides universal tools to apply in diverse settings when managing crisis events.

The CPI Training Experience

CPI training employs an interactive, hands-on teaching approach over two or three days. Participants gain knowledge and skills through:

  • Engaging lectures
  • Small group discussions and activities
  • Extensive verbal skill practice
  • Video case studies
  • Personal safety techniques
  • Reality-based scenario role plays

The training brings together staff from different disciplines and departments. This multidisciplinary approach enriches perspective-taking as participants problem-solve real-world scenarios.

Upon completing initial training, participants receive certification in Nonviolent Crisis Intervention®. Ongoing refreshers and skills practice are vital for maintaining competence. Organizations should conduct refresher training annually.

Research on CPI Efficacy

Multiple research studies validate the effectiveness of CPI training for reducing workplace violence, enhancing staff confidence, and improving care.

Key findings on CPI training include:

  • Decreased injuries from patient aggression in mental health settings
  • Increased confidence responding to crises across disciplines
  • Lower staff turnover rates in psychiatric facilities
  • Reduced need for physical restraint in hospitals
  • Increased use of de-escalation over restraint in group homes
  • Improved safe outcomes in encounters involving police officers
  • Greater empathy and emotional intelligence among nursing students
  • Enhanced perception of organizational support among staff

This data demonstrates CPI provides staff with practical crisis intervention skills that translate to real-world settings. The training improves safety, morale, retention, and care quality.

Implementing a Successful CPI Training Program

Organizations should follow certain best practices to maximize the impact of CPI training:

Make It Mandatory

Require all staff who may encounter crises to attend initial and refresher CPI training. This ensures consistent crisis management standards.

Tailor Content

Customize components to address situation-specific challenges. For example, modify role plays for a psychiatric hospital vs. school setting.

Promote Ongoing Skill Development

Provide resources for staff to hone CPI skills after certification. Schedule regular refreshers.

Lead by Example

Have management complete the training to demonstrate organizational commitment.

Be Proactive, Not Reactive

Do not wait for a serious incident before investing in CPI training. Take a preventative approach.

Debrief After Crises

Analyze what went well and areas for improvement. Continually reinforce CPI principles.

Integrate Training Concepts

Incorporate CPI de-escalation techniques into policy manuals, response protocols, and staff evaluations.

CPI Training Delivery Options

Organizations have flexibility in how they access CPI training:

In-Person Workshops

Certified CPI instructors across the country deliver immersive training on-site. This allows customization and staff role plays.

Blended Learning

With this hybrid approach, staff complete the Crisis Prevention Intervention Training Online portion individually then come together for instructor-led practice.

Crisis Prevention Intervention Training Online

For convenience, the full Crisis Prevention Intervention Training Online course can be completed online. This includes video lessons, knowledge checks, and multimedia role plays.


This intensive program certifies an organization’s own staff to teach CPI internally. This is ideal for widespread adoption.

CPI Resources and Support

CPI offers ongoing resources and support beyond the initial training:

  • Refresher training to maintain skills and update protocols
  • Advanced programs on topics like bullying prevention, suicide intervention, and youth mental health
  • Customized workshops to address organization-specific needs
  • Updated training materials reflecting current best practices
  • Post-training reinforcement tools like quick reference cards and virtual simulations
  • Onsite consultation to support CPI program implementation
  • Instructor recertification to keep trainers up-to-date

The Importance of Crisis Prevention Intervention Training

Crises take an emotional and physical toll on both staff members and the individuals involved. Each crisis situation also carries liability risks for the organization.

Proactive prevention helps avoid negative outcomes. When responding to unexpected crises, intervention training equips staff with strategies for safe, compassionate resolution.

Investing in comprehensive crisis prevention intervention training is one of the most effective ways for organizations to improve safety, care, and therapeutic outcomes across settings. Crisis Prevention Intervention Training skills enable professionals to navigate tense situations with empathy, skill, and confidence.

Applying CPI Skills in Diverse Settings

Crisis prevention intervention training provides universal tools that can be applied across different work environments. However, it is also important to tailor training to address challenges unique to certain settings or populations served.

Healthcare Settings

Healthcare professionals regularly encounter patients experiencing mental health crises, dementia-related behavioral issues, pain, fear, suicidal ideation, and more. Crisis Prevention Intervention Training equips nurses, doctors, and other staff with strategies for early intervention and de-escalation in volatile healthcare situations. Training components can target challenges like crisis communication with nonverbal patients, interventions for dementia-driven aggression, and stigma reduction.

Educational Settings

Schools must prepare staff to handle student mental health crises, bullying, severe autism-related behaviors, student trauma response, and youth suicide risks. Crisis Prevention Intervention Training gives educators and support staff skills for preventing classroom disruptions and safely de-escalating incidents. Customized Crisis Prevention Intervention Training for schools could include bullying prevention, trauma-informed response, and mandatory reporting.

Community-Based Settings

Residential counselors, social workers, and direct support professionals in group homes, shelters, and drop-in centers have a duty to manage crises while protecting vulnerable populations. Crisis Prevention Intervention Training focused on verbal intervention, relationship building, trauma awareness, and self-care can help community-based staff minimize unnecessary hands-on responses.

Law Enforcement Settings

Crisis Prevention Intervention Training provides officers with alternatives to excessive force when responding to agitated or aggressive community members. Scenario-based training focused on mental health crisis response, implicit bias reduction, and de-escalating encounters can help improve police-community relations.

Ongoing Training for Sustained Improvement

Initial CPI certification is only the starting point. To fully embed crisis prevention strategies into institutional culture requires ongoing training and support.

CPI Refresher Workshops

Annual refresher training helps reinforce staff skills. Refreshers cover techniques for verbally defusing aggression and safely disengaging. Scenarios can incorporate real-life challenges staff have faced.

Advanced CPI Courses

Specialized courses build on the core curriculum. Topics include bullying and harassment prevention, youth mental health crisis response, and suicide intervention skills.

Post-Crisis Debriefing

Debriefing sessions after crisis events allow for transparent analysis of what went well and areas needing improvement. This facilitates continuous learning.

CPI Resources

Posters, quick cards, and virtual reality simulations reinforce skills between training sessions. The CPI website also has resources like webinars and podcasts.

Evaluating CPI Program Success

Key performance indicators help evaluate the impact of Crisis Prevention Intervention Training:

  • Number of incidents requiring physical restraint
  • Staff confidence levels managing crises
  • Injuries related to aggressive behavior
  • Staff retention/turnover rates
  • Use of sick/stress leave by staff
  • Patient/client satisfaction survey results
  • Workers’ compensation claims related to resident aggression
  • Frequency of calls to security/law enforcement
  • Restraint/seclusion duration times
  • Incidents of peer-on-peer aggression
  • Staff perception of organizational support

Tracking these metrics over time provides tangible data on the outcomes of Crisis Prevention Intervention Training investments. The ultimate goal is sustainable culture change that reduces reliance on emergency interventions in favor of prevention and early intervention. By giving staff the tools to address underlying causes of behaviors, organizations can create safe, therapeutic environments for all.



Kelly Modine

I'm committed to keeping us safe at work, ensuring a secure environment where we can thrive and succeed without worries. Your safety is my priority.