Potoo birds: Derpy yet creepy masters of camouflage

Here’s a few amazing facts about this incredible animal.

Dee Vortex
3 min readMar 14, 2023
My new spirit animal.

This Central and South American-based bird is the potoo, an unusual species that resembles what would happen if a 4-year-old’s badly drawn owl came to life.

U wot m8?

-Oh! I see Mr Potoo is giving me the evils for my remark. If you’re a potoo you should probably stop reading because there’s going to be insults coming up.

They’re masters at blending

Nope, not the kind of blending you do with makeup - although I think they should give us a YouTube tutorial on their technique!

They’re masters at blending in with their surroundings — during the daytime they avoid predators by sitting and impersonating a tree stump or branch and it’s impressive how well they do it.

Ain’t evolution a beautiful thing?

But the thing that’s most impressive is the fact they will sit and even sleep in this position all. Day. Long. Kinda reminds me of when I’ve had a night of heavy drinking and I can’t leave my bed.

They’re nocturnal

Potoos fly at night and use their wide froggy mouths to vacuum in beetles, crickets, grasshoppers and more. In fact, their mouths are so wide and dark, they can become black holes and guzzle the very fabric of space and time itself.

Jesus. That's terrifying.

They are watching at ALL times

Have you ever seen a dead tree branch with eyes? Me neither. So, to deter predators, the potoo has to sit perfectly still and keep its eyes closed.

But it has its own ultra-snazzy surveillance cam technology installed to stay on the lookout at all times — see the two small folds in the top eyelid?

These allow the potoo to observe their surroundings even with their eyes closed. So think twice before getting undressed in front of any peculiar-looking branches — it could be a pervy potoo!

My apologies

By this point I feel I may have made you scared of the potoo when they’re actually harmless to us — so here’s a cute pic of Mama Potoo and Baby Potoo to calm your nerves.


But wait — I’ve just realised I forgot to tell you one thing…

…their call is one of the most hauntingly creepy things you will ever hear in your life. Click the link below if you wish to have nightmares tonight:

So, do you love or fear potoos? Either way, there’s no denying they’re fascinating birds. Just for good measure, here’s one more adorable picture.

Thank you for reading!

I plan on writing more satirical articles on the bizarre and adorable animals of the world, so please follow if you want to see more!



Dee Vortex

I write stuff to make you laugh and get your "that's totally relatable" senses tingling. Indie films and weird animals are my passion too.