Foot Fungus & Toenail Fungus Treatment — Footdefend

1 min readSep 22, 2022


Foot Defend is one of the most common foot problems, and it is often a result of poor hygiene. Toenail fungi are small, white patches that can form on the skin between your toes. They are usually not painful, but can be unsightly. Fungal infections are usually caused by fungal spores that grow in warm, moist areas like your feet.

There are several ways to treat foot fungus treatment at home without seeing a doctor: Showering frequently especially after you work out can help prevent infection from spreading. If you sweat profusely during exercise or have recently been swimming in chlorinated water, you may want to wear flip-flops instead of athletic shoes for several days after bathing.

Using anti-fungal creams such as ketoconazole or terbinafine on the affected area twice daily will help kill any existing fungus while protecting remove dead skin from feet. You should apply this cream directly to the affected area and avoid applying it to other areas of your body such as near eyes or mouth. Using an anti-fungal powder such as Lotrimin Monistat or econazole nitrate


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FootDefend will treat nail infections of any type. FootDefend is an effective treatment for subnail plate toenail and finger nailfungus.