Want to understand the Blockchain in plain language? Watch this space.

DeFi sis
4 min readDec 17, 2023


Photo by Hitesh Choudhary on Unsplash

After a lot of re-reading, editing, cross-checking, and worrying about whether this whole thing was worth it, I welcome you all to my first medium story. šŸ˜€

If I were paid for how much I have postponed starting this journey, I would be a millionaire. Although I am not a skilled writer, I believe that I will improve as I continue to write. After all, General Sherman grew from a small seed in a cone to become the largest tree in the world, standing at a height of 275 ft. So, I understand that I have to start somewhere.

Photo by Possessed Photography on Unsplash

This is an introductory article to a series of upcoming articles that I will be writing about the blockchain. If you have ever found this topic to be confusing or difficult to grasp, then you have come to the right place! Stay tuned for upcoming articles on this account, which will simplify these concepts, making it easy for you to understand.

There are two reasons why I am focusing on this niche: interest and money.

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

I have been using blockchain technology to buy and sell cryptocurrencies for short-term investments since 2019. I also received some cryptocurrencies from a friend who lived overseas and exchanged it for my local currency. However, I never fully understood the system. In 2021, I got more involved in the cryptocurrency community on Twitter and learned about NFTs. In 2022, I explored DeFi, tokenization, airdrops, and protocols. The field is extremely diverse and will continue to expand, which makes me curious to learn more.

There is a saying that if you canā€™t explain something to a six-year-old, you donā€™t understand it yourself. This is why I believe that sharing and breaking down the complexities of this technology will help me comprehend it better. It would also educate everyone new to the field, so a win-win for all of us.

Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

I have come across stories of individuals who have found success in the crypto field and have earned life-changing amounts of money. I have read about someone who makes thousands of dollars a month as a blockchain developer, as well as those this person who received over $1000 through an airdrop. Achieving financial freedom is one of my life goals. There are other things I want to do in my life that would require financial resources. After reading this lengthy tweet, I felt inspired to embark on a writing journey on Medium.

Iā€™ve always been curious about the blockchain and cryptocurrencies, and the potential to make money in the field has heightened my enthusiasm. To succeed in this endeavour, I need to be well-informed. However, one might wonder, how can writing about blockchain on Medium translate into making money? After researching the Medium Partner Program, I unfortunately discovered that I am not eligible due to my country. I also do not have close to a thousand followers. Despite this setback, I plan to continue writing about what I learn and grow my audience. I hope to monetize my account through affiliate marketing and the sale of digital products. Itā€™s a risk, but Iā€™m committed to making it work.

ā€œBlockchain made easyā€ is a series designed to explain the topic in an easily understandable way for non-technical individuals and for those who are entirely new to the field. My articles will cover these topics:

  • What the blockchain is, itā€™s types and mechanism.
  • Brief history.
  • Key features and basic terminologies.
  • Why the blockchain is important and its various applications.
  • The benefits and drawbacks of using blockchain technology.
  • Careers in the blockchain space.

This marks the end of my first medium article. I appreciate you reading this far. Each article in this series will be released every Thursday (and sometimes Fridays), so stay tuned for a weekly dose of educational information and insights on everything I learn about this topic. I would also love to receive your comments and feedback on this article.

Thank you and see you soon!



DeFi sis

I share what I learnā€”simplifying the Blockchain, Decentralized Finance and Cryptocurrencies through my articles to non-technical people.